For a short time, we use develop
to the default branch of our repository. If you clone our repository, you'll get develop
first. In general this is a
stable version. You can deploy a local version as described below. If you want the currently deployed version, please checkout master
before building.
The local version needs data for the cross compiler. They are stored in the separate repository ora-cc-rsc
. Note:
(version 4.1.3, the currently deployed version) needs the data stored in tag25
(version 4.1.4-SNAPSHOT) needs the data stored in tag26
The source of the OpenRoberta Lab is stored in the Github repository 'openroberta-lab'.
The steps below explain how to get started with the sources. If you just want to run the server locally, please have a look into the Wiki - Installation. If you want to contribute, please get in touch with us, see Wiki - Community, before you start.
After a fresh git clone you get the openroberta-lab project folder. It includes almost everything you need to setup and extend your own openrobertalab server. License information is available in the docs folder.
Things you need on your computer:
- Java JDK >= 1.8 (e.g.
on Ubuntu) and JAVA JDK <= 13.0.2 - Maven >= 3.2
- Git
- Web browser
If you would like your local server to compile code for the different systems, you need to install additional software (crosscompilers, libraries, ...):
To "install" directly downloaded compilers on Linux systems, extract them to a folder of your choice (e.g. /opt/compilers/
) and add the bin
folder to
your PATH
, e.g. with echo export PATH="$PATH:<path-to-the-compiler-folder>/bin" >> ~/.profile
on Ubuntu:
- Arduino based robots
sudo apt-get install libusb-0.1-4
sudo apt-get install binutils-avr gdb-avr avrdude
- install avr-gcc
sudo apt-get install nbc
- Calliope
sudo apt-get install srecord libssl-dev
- install the latest gcc-arm-none-eabi
- micro:bit
pip install uflash
(to install pip runsudo apt install
on Ubuntu 18.04 andpython3-pip
on 20.04)
- EV3 c4ev3
sudo apt-get install g++-arm-linux-gnueabi
- Edison
sudo apt-get install python
(Python 2 is needed, it is calledpython
for Ubuntu 18.04 andpython2
for 20.04)
- Bionics4Education
sudo apt-get install python-serial
for Ubuntu 20.04, in this case you should havepython
default topython3
, test it by runningpython --version
and if it is2.x
you can change it by runningsudo apt-get install python-is-python3
)- install xtensa-esp32-elf
on Windows:
- Arduino based robots
- install avr-gcc
- currently, the installation description is missing and will be supplied soon
- Calliope
- install gcc-arm-none-eabi
- install srecord
- micro:bit
- install Python 3
pip install uflash
- Edison
- install Python 2
- Bionics4Education
The cross-compiler needs resources to work properly (header files, libraries, ...). These resources change little over time and are stored in the 'ora-cc-rsc' repository.
Please clone that directory and build it using mvn clean install
. When the openroberta-lab server is started, you have to supply the path to these resources (see below). If the resources are not available,
everything works fine (writing programs, import, export, creating accounts, etc.), but running programs on real robots doesn't work, because the cross-compiler will fail.
Please also check our wiki for detailed installation instructions, development procedure, coding conventions and further reading. We also use the Github issue tracking system. Please file issues in the main project openroberta-lab.
git clone # get the repository
cd openroberta-lab # cd into repository
mvn clean install # generate the server
npm install && npm run build # build the frontend
Might take some time. The last lines of a successful build looks like:
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 03:24 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2020-09-08T14:13:10+02:00
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The two main shell scripts to work with are ./
and ./
. To use them, you need a bash-compatible shell. On linux system they are available,
on win* systems you get one for free if you have installed git. Call the scripts without parameter or with -h
to get a help message.
is used for data base administration, ./
for server export and start as well as for docker administration.
If you have a fresh clone of the server, make sure that the OpenRobertaServer folder has a subfolder db-embedded with the database inside. If you don't have a database, you can create an empty database with
./ -git-mode create-empty-db
If you try to create a new database, but one exists, the old one is not changed and the command has no effect. The new database is found in the folder OpenRobertaServer/db-embedded.
./ [-oraccrsc <optional-path-to-crosscompiler-resources, defaults-to '../ora-cc-rsc'>] start-from-git
If you did not install the crosscompiler resources, everything works fine (programming, simulation, code generation, user management, ...), except of generation of binaries for robot systems.
Start your browser at http://localhost:1999 That's it!
Often you want to run an openroberta installation of a fixed version for a long time. This is easy. Let's assume, that you want to use the (non-existing) directory /data/my-openroberta.
mvn clean install && npm run build # generate the server in the git repo
./ export /data/my-openroberta gzip # export to the target directory. gzip compresses the static web resources fpr better performance.
cd /data/my-openroberta # the export command supplies an administration script, which is different from the one in the git workspace
./ create-empty-db # create an empty db at ./db-server - of course you may copy an old database to that location
./ start-server # spawns two processes: a database server and the openroberta jetty server
The following administrative commands are useful:
./ backup ./admin/dbBackup # create a backup in the folder given as parameter. Copy the tgz-file to another machine (cron will automate everything)
./ shutdown # shutdown of the database. The openroberta jetty server continues to run, but database access will fail, of course.
# get the pid of the server using **ps** and execute a **kill <pid>** to stop the server
./ sqlgui # access the database concurrently with the server. Be careful not to block the server, e.g. by an update without commit
# the database server must be running, of course.
./ sqlguiEmbedded # if the database server is stopped, this allows to access the database. The access is exclusive. Terminate the sql client
# before you start the openroberta installation again.
This kind of installation is useful for small productive systems (e.g. an a RaspberryPi). Large productive systems,
- if you want to run many servers (maybe of different versions) concurrently,
- if you want to use continous deployment based on incoming git commits
- ...
needs more support as available with the scripts and We deploy our openroberta installation using docker. It is described in detail in file Docker/ Inside the Docker directory everything is contained which is needed to create images and start them. You can try it. If there are problems, you can contact us.
OpenRoberta needs a database to store user accounts, programs, etc. It uses HyperSQL. Other database systems (MySql, Postgres, ..., oracle, db2, ...) would work, too. There are no special requirements on the database, that would exclude one. Only a Hibernate binding and a full transaction support is needed.
As described above either db-embedded or db-server is the name of the directory, in which the database files reside. Sometimes the database must be upgraded, e.g. new tables or new columns for new features. The java class DbUpgrader is responsible for detecting the need for an upgrade and executing the upgrade (once and only once) when the database is openend at server startup. If a database needs more than one upgrade, this is no problem. They are executed one after the other.
There is no need for the developer to care about database upgrades. But note, that is not possible to upgrade databases with versions before 3.1.0. As this is a very old version, this should never be necessary. If this is needed, please contact the OpenRoberta team.
You can also import the project into IDE's such as Eclipse and IntelliJ!
Development happens in the develop branch. Please send PRs against that branch.
git clone
cd openroberta-lab
git checkout develop
The project OpenRobertaServer contains the server logic, that accesses
- a database with Hibernate-based DAO objects
- plugins for various robots which are supported in OpenRoberta
- services for browser-based clients
- services for robots connected to the lab either by Wifi or USB
The server is made of
- an embedded jetty server exposing REST services
- the services are based on jersey
- JSON (sometimes XML or plain text) is used for data exchange between front, robots and server
Furthermore, the project OpenRobertaServer contains in directory staticResources for the browser client
- HTML and CSS
- Generated Javascript under
(this should not be edited!)- Javascript libraries based on jquery and bootstrap for the frontend
- assertions (DBC), ajax-based server calls (COMM), logging (LOG) and
- javascript resources for blockly
- controller and models written in Javascript, which implement the GUI
The original Javascript sources can be found in OpenRobertaWeb/
To work with the frontend (e.g. compiling the sources) we defined the following npm scripts:
npm run build
- build the sourcesnpm run build:sourceMap
- build the sources and generated source maps for debuggingnpm run watch
- build the sources on changenpm run watch:sourceMap
- build the sources on change and generate source maps for debuggingnpm run format
- formats all javascript and typescript source filesnpm run format:check
- check if all javascript and typescript files are formatted
Attention: Only check in those generated files build with npm run build
or npm run watch
To run backend tests, use mvn test
. Running mvn clean install
will make a stable, reproducible build with all unit tests executed.
To run the integration tests you have to supply an additional flag: mvn clean install -PrunIT
For these you need an environment variable robot_crosscompiler_resourcebase
pointing to your ora-cc-rsc
We use Blockly, it is located in a separate repository. The build of the blockly is only done in the OpenRoberta/Blockly project and then copied to the OpenRobertaServer/staticResources. You can not build Blockly in OpenRobertaServer project directly.
We use BrowserStack for Cross-Browser Testing