Issue Tracker:
Usage: ./saiku build <all | project> Builds all or an individual saiku project
saiku build all
saiku build < all | ui | server | webapp | bi-platform-plugin >
Usage: ./saiku run package can be:
server <start|stop>
starts or stops the server, according to the argument
ui [port] [backend_host] [backend_port]
Executes node saiku-ui/server.js [port] [backend_host] [backend_port]
Default is:
node server.js 8080 80
mvn clean clover2:setup test clover2:aggregate clover2:clover
If you require Foodmart for a different database checkout the foodmart loader wrapper script:
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Commit Messages
Please try and make sure there is a relevant Jira ticket available to commit against, this helps us track issues and the code committed to fix the issue/enhancement
When committing please format your commit message with a Jira reference and comment for example: git commit -a -m "SKU-1234 #comment fix bug x by doing y"
If you want to commit to the Saiku code base can you please get in contact at [email protected] and ask for a copy of our Contibutors License Agreement to sign.