New or improved functionality:
- Support for PHP CodeSniffer 1.5, PHP Copy&Paste Detector 2.0 and PHPLOC 2.0
- Composer support for PHPCPD and PhpDocumentor tasks
- Fixed / improved error handling in various places
- More unit / regression tests added
- Various bugs and documentation errors fixed
Additionally, the following Trac tickets (see www.phing.info) were fixed in this release:
- [1083] PhpDocumentor2Task: add support for default package name
- [1082] Tasks in root target are executed twice
- [1081] Documentation of AvailableTask does not link to conditions page
- [1078] IoncubeEncoderTask does not support PHP 5.4
- [1073] Phing silently died, when cant read build.xml
- [1070] PHPCS 1.5.0 breaks PHPCodeSniffer Task
- [1064] Formatter 'brief' not implemented when using Unittest task
- [1063] PHPCPD 2.0 breaks PHPCPD Task
- [1062] AvailableTask throws exception when filepath contains duplicates
- [1059] phing exits with return code 0 when there is unkown argument
- [1057] pdo exception thrown from pdosqlexec not properly handled
- [1056] filesyncTask: problem (error?) with verbose (-v) option
- [1054] Missing or erroneous definition in phing-grammar.rng
- [1053] Add composer support for phpdoc2 task
- [1051] phing 2.6.1 - impossible upgrade
- [1045] PHPLocTask broken with recent phploc updates
- [1044] Using fileset in echo does not list subdirectories
- [1042] Fix UnknownElement wrapping and configuring
- [1035] phpcpd tasks does not find dependencies when installed by composer
- [1034] Improving debuggability of errors in custom code
- [1032] FileSync Port
- [1030] JsMin task creates directories with 0700 permissions
- [1028] Change visibility of FailTask variables
- [1021] MailTask backend configuration
- [1010] Invalid error about refid attribute when specifying multiple targets
- [1009] certain liquibase tasks (rollback, tag and update) do not check return value
- [994] Clarify pdoexec autocommit/transactions
- [991] GitCommit: add fileset support
- [984] Improve documentation about including custom tasks
- [983] Selenium with PHPUnit: browser configurations are not processed
- [978] svn switches: recursive
- [976] phpunitreport: broken html for test suite names containing "/"
- [650] Namespace support for extensions (PSR0 support)