This release contains the following new or improved functionality:
- Phing now supports HHVM
- Stopwatch task added
- Unit test coverage increased
- Source code formatted to PSR-2
- Various bugs and documentation errors fixed
Additionally, the following Trac tickets (see www.phing.info) were fixed in this release:
- [1151] PHPMD Task does not support the format tag
- [1149] Exclude extra files from composer package
- [1144] Reduce PhingCall/Foreach log messages
- [1140] DefaultLogger is not default logger
- [1138] ParallelTask - error in subtask should fail build
- [1135] obfuscation-key option for IoncubeEncoderTask does not work
- [1133] copytask haltonerror = "false" function failure when source dir not exists
- [1130] Add documentation for Manifest task
- [1129] ManifestTask md5 hash vs FileHashTask md5 hash not the same
- [1128] Imported target won't run until there is one with the same name in main build.xml
- [1123] ApplyTask outputProperty doesn't append
- [1122] Untar task does not preserve file permissions
- [1121] Please fix the syntax error in PHP Lint
- [1104] ArchiveComment Parameter for ZipTask
- [1095] ReferenceExistsCondition returns true for all UnknownElements
- [1089] phing -l is listing imported targets twice
- [1086] Support for running on HHVM
- [1084] pdepend task does not find dependencies when installed by composer
- [1069] PHPUnitTask formatter does not create directory if specified "todir" does not exist
- [1068] Phingcall and Import issues
- [1040] Composer task has no documentation
- [1012] SymlinkTaks overwrite fails if target doesn't exist
- [965] includePathTask: Allow appending and replacing
- [945] several phpunit task problems
- [930] Attribute logoutput to property task
- [796] Can't delete all subdirectories without directory itself
- [441] Reformat Phing source code to PSR-2