Task for ApiGen, a tool for creating professional API documentation from PHP source code.
This is a read-only split of https://github.com/phingofficial/phing/tree/main/src/Phing/Task/Ext/ApiGen.
Please report issues and send Pull Requests in the main Phing repository.
Name | Type | Description | Default | Required |
executable | String | ApiGen executable name. | apigen | No |
action | String | ApiGen action to be executed. | generate | No |
config | String | Config file name. | n/a | Source and destination are required - either set explicitly or using a config file. Attribute values set explicitly have precedence over values from a config file. |
source | String | List of source files or directories. | n/a | |
destination | String | Destination directory. | n/a | |
exclude | String | List of masks (case sensitive) to exclude files or directories from processing. | n/a | No |
skipdocpath | String | List of masks (case sensitive) to exclude elements from documentation generating. | n/a | No |
charset | String | Character set of source files. | UTF-8 | No |
main | String | Main project name prefix. | n/a | No |
title | String | Title of generated documentation. | n/a | No |
baseurl | String | Documentation base URL. | n/a | No |
googlecseid | String | Google Custom Search ID. | n/a | No |
googlecselabel | String | Google Custom Search label. | n/a | No |
googleanalytics | String | Google Analytics tracking code. | n/a | No |
templateconfig | String | Template config file name. | n/a | If not set the default template is used. |
templatetheme | String | Template theme file name. | n/a | If not set the default template is used. |
accesslevels | String | Element access levels. Documentation only for methods and properties with the given access level will be generated. | public, protected | No |
internal | Boolean | Whether to generate documentation for elements marked as internal and internal documentation parts or not. | No | No |
php | Boolean | Whether to generate documentation for PHP internal classes or not. | Yes | No |
tree | Boolean | Whether to generate tree view of classes, interfaces, traits and exceptions or not. | Yes | No |
deprecated | Boolean | Whether to generate documentation for deprecated elements or not. | No | No |
todo | Boolean | Whether to generate documentation of tasks or not. | No | No |
sourcecode | Boolean | Whether to generate highlighted source code files or not. | Yes | No |
download | Boolean | Whether to generate a link to download documentation as a ZIP archive or not. | No | No |
debug | Boolean | Whether to enable the debug mode or not. | No | No |
title="My Project API Documentation"