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hertsch edited this page Apr 3, 2014 · 1 revision

The list.event.json is a configuration file for the administrative event list in the backend of the CMS.

list.event.json is assigned to the template list.event.twig, both files reside in


JSON files are easy to read for humans and can be edited with every text file editor.

list.event.json enable you to configure the content and behavior of the administrative event list, the file has two sections:


The section columns enable you to define the columns which will be shown in the administrative event list. The order of the columns in the configuration is identical with the order of the columns in the list from left to right.


By default the above columns are used in the event list. You can use the following field names to specify the columns:

  • event_id - Event ID
  • group_id - Event Group (integer)
  • event_type - the Event type, can be EVENT, DATE or TASK
  • event_organizer - Event Organizer (integer)
  • event_location - Event Location (integer)
  • event_date_from - date and time the event begin (datetime)
  • event_date_to date and time the event ends (datetime)
  • event_publish_from date and time the event publishing begin (datetime)
  • event_publish_to date and time the event publishing end (datetime)
  • event_costs - ticket price (float)
  • event_participants_max - maximum participants (integer)
  • event_deadline date and time of the deadline (datetime)
  • event_url - URL of the event
  • event_status - status of the event (ACTIVE, LOCKED, DELETED)
  • event_recurring_id - identifier for recurring events (integer)
  • event_timestamp - last change of the event record (datetime)
  • description_id - identifier for the event description (integer)
  • description_title - event title (string)
  • description_short - short description of the event (text)
  • description_long - long description of the event (text)
  • pack_recurring - pack and indicate recurring events (see description below)

You can use these fields in any order and format the output of the values in the template file list.event.twig.

pack_recurring is a special indicator. If you add pack_recurring to the columns, Event will suppress all recurring events without the parent event (from which the recurring starts). This will shorten the list output. Beneath the parent of a recurring event the list will show an indicator icon with a tooltip that tell you which type of recurring event this record represent. If you are using many recurring events pack_recurring will be interesting for you, try it.


This section define the behavior of the list:


With rows_per_page you determine how many events will be shown at each page. If your event list contain more records, Event will switch to a paging mode and display a page selector at top and the bottom of the list.

select_status determine the status of events which will be shown in the list. By default these are ACTIVE and LOCKED, you may also add DELETED to see deleted events.

order > by determine the default ordering of the list (you can change the ordering by clicking at the column head). This can be one or more field name - by default the list is ordered by the event ID.

order > direction may be DESC (descending) or ASC (ascending) to specify the order direction.

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