Translators for Zotero that play nice with RoamResearch. Works well with QuickCopy (ctrl-shift-c)
Two flavors exist:
RoamMarkdown Produces:
[Lindley et al., Researching AI Legibility through Design (2020)](zotero://select/items/0_Y6B9N325)
RoamMarkdownWithPage Produces
[Lindley et al., Researching AI Legibility through Design (2020)](zotero://select/items/1_Y6B9N325) #bib/lindleyResearchingAILegibility2020
For RoamMarkdownWithPage you'll need to have auto generated bibtex citation keys that go into the hashtags.
Place the .js files into the 'translators' folder of the Zotero Data Directory
If you want to use hashtags (RoamMarkdownWithPage), also install
Restart Zotero for changes to take effect. Then select the corresponding exporter in the Preferences->Quick Copy->Default Format dialog.
Note: you can use the Zutilo add-on to define shortcuts for multiple quick copy formats.