To what: Allow any children inside of element with the '.needsclick' class to ignore fastclick.
To how: By targeting elements with the .needsclass on up through the DOM.
To why: Because ng-fastclick did not work with the angular-datepicker plugin on Phonegap builds on iOS.
This plugin was designed to work with fragaria's faulty angular-daterangepicker
This is a fork of 8bitDesigner's faulty ng-fastclick which is a very thin (3 line!) Angular wrapper around the FT's fantastic FastClick
In your Angular project, run bower install --save ng-fastclick-cps
to save the
module. Then, in your HTML, add:
<script src="/path/to/bower_components/ng-fastclick-cps/dist/index.min.js"></script>
And nextly, in your Angular module, include ng-fastclick-cps
as a dependency:
angular.module('my-app', ['ng-fastclick-cps'])
And Lastly, add the '.needsclick' class for elements that you want to avoid using fastclick functionality.
<any class="needsclick"></any>