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This branch is 270 commits ahead of, 4 commits behind asbjornu/drywall:master.

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A website and user system starter. Implemented with Express and Backbone.

This fork uses sequelize to connect to Relational Database Management Systems instead of using Mongoose to connect to Mongo

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Server side, Drywall is built with the Express framework. We're using Sequelize to connect to an RDBMS for a data store.

The front-end is built with Backbone. We're using Grunt for the asset pipeline.

On The Server On The Client Development
Express Bootstrap Grunt
Jade Backbone.js
Sequelize jQuery
Passport Underscore.js
Async Font-Awesome
EmailJS Moment.js

Live demo

Platform Username Password root h3r00t

Note: The live demo has been modified so you cannot change the root user, the root user's linked admin role or the root admin group. This was done in order to keep the app ready to use at all times.


You need Node.js and a Relational Database Management System such as Postgres 9.3 or higher installed and running.

We use bcrypt for hashing secrets. If you have issues during installation related to bcrypt then refer to this wiki page.

We use emailjs for email transport. If you have issues sending email refer to this wiki page.


$ git clone [email protected]:piratpartiet/drywall.git && cd ./drywall
$ npm install


First you need to setup your config file. Create it by copying config.js.tmpl as such:

$ cp ./config.js.tmpl ./config.js

Replace all values with ones that fit your application. Pay extra attention to the db configuration, which control how your database is set up. It has three environments defined: development, test and production. To get everything bootstrapped, just focus on development for now:

exports.db = {
  development: {
    username: '<username>',
    password: '<password>',
    database: '<database>',
    host: '',
    dialect: 'postgres',
    // Logging to console.log. See the 'Options' section of
    // for
    // more information.
    logging: console.log,
    force: false
  • username: The username with access to the database.
  • password: The password associated with the above username.
  • database: The name of the database for the Drywall application.
  • host: The name or IP address of the host of the database service.
  • dialect: The dialect of the database.
  • force: Set to true to have the database reset on application launch, otherwise set this to false. It's a bad idea to set this to true in production; only set it to true if you need to completely wipe the database.


We have made an opiniated decision about which database dialect to use. We will therefore focus on the setup of PostgreSQL, but the steps required for other databases would be similar.

Taking for granted that PostgreSQL's binaries exist on your $PATH, you need to execute the following commands to get everything bootstrapped for the development environment (as defined in config/config.json).

psql --command="create user <username> with password '<password>';"
createdb --owner=<username> <database>

To set up the database for other environments, just repeat the steps above for each one.

Running the app

$ npm start

# > [email protected] start /Users/jedireza/projects/jedireza/drywall
# > grunt

# Running "copy:vendor" (copy) task
# ...

# Running "concurrent:dev" (concurrent) task
# Running "watch" task
# Running "nodemon:dev" (nodemon) task
# Waiting...
# [nodemon] v1.3.7
# [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter `rs`
# [nodemon] watching: *.*
# [nodemon] starting `node app.js`
# Server is running on port 3000

Now just use the reset password feature to set a password.

  • Go to http://localhost:3000/login/forgot/
  • Submit your email address and wait a second.
  • Go check your email and get the reset link.
  • http://localhost:3000/login/reset/:email/:token/
  • Set a new password.

Login. Customize. Enjoy.


The test suite uses mochajs and [supertest] ( to execute end to end testing. The suite can be executed using the command npm test from the top level of the project.


  • Create a website and user system.
  • Write code in a simple and consistent way.
  • Only create minor utilities or plugins to avoid repetitiveness.
  • Find and use good tools.
  • Use tools in their native/default behavior.


  • Basic front end web pages.
  • Contact page has form to email.
  • Login system with forgot password and reset password.
  • Signup and Login with Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Google and Tumblr.
  • Optional email verification during signup flow.
  • User system with separate account and admin roles.
  • Admin groups with shared permission settings.
  • Administrator level permissions that override group permissions.
  • Global admin quick search component.

Questions and contributing

Join the chat at

Any issues or questions (no matter how basic), open an issue. Please take the initiative to include basic debugging information like operating system and relevant version details such as:

$ npm version

# { drywall: '0.0.0',
#   npm: '2.5.1',
#   http_parser: '2.3',
#   modules: '14',
#   node: '0.12.0',
#   openssl: '1.0.1l',
#   uv: '1.0.2',
#   v8: '3.28.73',
#   zlib: '1.2.8' }

Contributions are welcome. Your code should:

  • pass $ grunt lint without error

If you're changing something non-trivial, you may want to submit an issue first.




A website and user system (Express/Backbone)



Code of conduct





No packages published


  • JavaScript 74.7%
  • HTML 21.6%
  • CSS 2.2%
  • Python 1.2%
  • PLpgSQL 0.3%