Two beautiful features in one highly anticipated release (it could be the hottest thing this fall). This release introduces two commands to the om
om upload-product
om export-installation
om upload-product
This command can be invoked as follows:
$ om --target https://opsman.example.com \
--username "some-username" \
--password "some-password" \
upload-product \
--product /path/to/product.tgz
Just like the stemcell before it, a product tgz will be checked to make sure it is non-zero. At present, there is no check that duplicate products are being uploaded. This will be updated in the next release.
om export-installation
$ om --target https://opsman.example.com \
--username "some-username" \
--password "some-password" \
export-installation \
--output-file /path/to/out.tgz
Export your installation in tgz format. Don't forget that this installation is encrypted! The file will be overwritten if it already exists, please use caution.
see you next release!