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This project is deprecated in favor of Voltar, yet I keep the latest version as a private repo due to lots of in-house specific code for our studio.

A module based HTML5 game engine designed to be flexible and powerful.


LesserPanda has a lot of features, and the list is still growing:

  • Super fast Canvas and WebGL rendering powered by PIXI.js.
  • Idle and fixed game loop with customizable FPS.
  • Fast and powerful physics solution.
  • Super fast AABB collision detection solution.
  • ECS(Entity Component System) like systems for Timer, Gfx, Physics and Anime.
  • High level Entity class.
  • Automatically choose the best resolution based on configs.
  • Tag is supported by systems.
  • Mobile friendly.
  • Rotate prompt for mobile devices with just a few configs.
  • ES6 based scripting environment.
  • CSS style can be imported by using standard ES6 module system.
  • Live-reload browsers after any changes are saved.


Samples are moved to its own repo here. Currently the samples are located inside src/game/samples folder, and each is just a simple Game focusing on one or more particular feature.

Note: Samples have not been converted to latest v1.x yet.


Devlog posts what happened to LesserPanda, read them at wiki, it will be updated on each Wednesday.

Brief introduction of modules

  • anime provides both common tween animation and Blender like action.
  • audio provides sound playback functions, the basic usage is included in the game/main.
  • gfx contains whole PIXI.js sources. Filters and mesh is disabled by default, you can enable them by uncomment related lines in engine/pixi/index.js.
  • polyfill contains some ES6 polyfills (Object.assign, rAF and Math.sign).
  • loader brings resource loading functionality which is used by PIXI.js and you probably don't need to use it directly.
  • storage provides session and persistent data storage. session and persistent from this module is quite useful but you can also use low level storage.
  • analytics provides some helper functions to work with Google Analytics.
  • Camera 2D camera that can follow targets, zoom, rotate and shake.
  • core is the core of lesser-panda, which provides the base functionalities such as "loop" and "resize".
  • device tells what device the game is currently running.
  • EventEmitter is a fast EventEmitter implementation.
  • input provides keyboard events and key-maps.
  • loader provides assets loading functon addAsset(path, key, settings)
  • physics provides AABB/SAT based collision detection and response.
  • resize provides some resize helper functions.
  • rnd is a random number generator.
  • Game is the main hub for your game.
  • timer provides timers with callbacks. Use game.timer.later or game.timer.interval to create instances.
  • utils provides utility functions and constants for array, color, math, object.
  • Vector is the 2D vector class, with tons of useful methods
  • Behavior interface for behaviors of Entity
  • System interface for all the sub-systems of Game


There's a Trello board, from which you will see what's coming next. Github issue and milestone maybe better for progress tracking~



  • New SATSolver
  • New Polygon collision shape
  • Add onRotationChange signal to Entity and let components subscribe to rotation changes on attach


  • Remove System prefix from all the system classes
  • Rename Timer to Clock and SystemTimer to Timer
  • Remove engine/gfx/core/math module
  • Switch to ES6 module
  • Fix AABBSolver separating issue
  • Fix angles of collision response directions


  • Fix Collider.prototype.last updating and solves a poolable related issue at the same time.
  • AnimatedSprite now accept more texture list formats.
  • Fixed poolable utility.
  • Rename CutoutAnimatedSprite to COASprite.
  • New CutoutAnimatedSprite that support scon formatted animation from Spriter.
  • Deprecated core.speed in favor of Game.prototype.timeScale.


  • Breaking change: components need to be added by addComponent, this.gfx = Node() will no longer work.
  • Do not share scale between components of Entity since gfx scales a lot but colliders won't
  • Behaviors attached to Entity will now be save as a property. (Health will become bhvHealth)
  • Entity.prototype.behaviors is now a list of behaviors


  • Fix Component.rotation not work issue.


  • Remove OVERLAP collision state, now boxes will never overlap if they intend to push against others
  • Complete circle vs box solution
  • Better collide API (now pass in a direction(Object) parameter)
  • Better entity component design, you can now use addComponent instead while the old way still works


  • Update behaviors for new Entity API
  • Cache arrays for physics updating
  • Add "canHitMap" to Collider to toggle map collision
  • More JSDoc comments and better API document


This version contains some breaking change, but I won't bump it to v1.1 since all the changes are applied to the built-in gfx module. It does not affect any public APIs.

  • Merge DisplayObject and Container into one and rename it as Node.
  • Remove fromImage and fromFrame functions from Gfx elements, loader should be used instead.
  • Add support to set Sprite textures using keys. (sprite.texture = 'my_image.png')


  • New input system support key-maps bindings, on top of keyboard.
  • Basic CollisionMap implementation supports AABB vs rect tile collision.
  • Tons of small issue fixes.
  • More and better source code comments.
  • Local node modules supported (you can provide a package.json file and install whatever packages)


  • Completely re-design.
  • Scene -> Game.
  • Actor -> Entity.
  • Huge refactor gfx and physics modules.


  • Give BackgroundMap ability to repeat.
  • Add width, height, widthInTile and heightInTile properties to BackgroundMap.
  • Add getTile and setTile method to BackgroundMap.
  • Optimize BackgroundMap rendering, by drawing the visible part only.
  • Force code running in strict mode.
  • [CLI] Use webpack-dev-server instead of browser-sync for live-reloading, performs a little bit slower but will display error in browser console.
  • Add isStatic field to physics.Body to identify bodies don't move and response to the collisions, which also improves the performance of CollisionMap.
  • Improve the design of behavior system.
  • Remove listeners when stop a Tween to prevent issues caused by object pooling.


  • Fix container issue while loading a Tiled map.


  • Optimize Tiled map converter by caching results.
  • Improve Tiled map converter, which is now called tiledToMap and convert to latest level format.
  • Add level module that can load a level from data.
  • Add Scene.getActorByName method.
  • Tilemap huge rework, now has a way much cleaner API design.
  • Fix tilemap retina display.
  • Add second parameter to core.setScene to be able to create new instance for the next scene.
  • Improve scale mode support for mobile devices, especially for iOS.
  • Add support of spawning actors using registered type name.
  • Add Actor.register function to register custom(subclass) Actor classes with a key.
  • Moved actor sub-system code into actor module, so scenes won't be able to spawn actors until you import the actor module.
  • Improved Body setup.
  • Deprecated Body.anchor since it's not supported by SAT solver.
  • Completely support tile collider shapes defined from Tiled editor, tilemap based workflow is hugely improved.
  • Fixes collision map so that maps with holes are not properly supported.
  • Add Scene.createLayer method to simplify layer creating.
  • Position, layer and settings parameters of Scene.spawnActor are not optional.
  • Add vertical and horizontal settings to WrapAroundScreen behavior.
  • Device patch is removed since resizing now works without hack.
  • Canvas resizing is fixed and improved, and useless never resize mode is deprecated.
  • Fixed Camera to be able to work without any targets.
  • Add poolable module to utils.
  • Improve the FireBullet behavior, now it has ammo support built-in.
  • Behavior no longer inherits from EventEmitter.
  • Actor spawn/remove behavior changed, now it's possible to maunally create Actor instance and add to any scene instead of calling spawnActor. Object pool support is included.
  • Change Actor.prepare to Actor.ready.
  • Fix some Actor component create methods.
  • Add rotate-around-point behavior
  • Add steering behavior
  • Add face-the-mouse behavior
  • Actor component factory methods now accept settings of all built-in properties.
  • Add getTexture function to engine.loader to be able to get texture from string.
  • Add more component factory methods to Actor.
  • Fix inline documents.
  • Add start function to core module as a easy replacement of startWithScene.
  • canvasquery module is removed.
  • Re-design Actor system and make it more powerful yet easier to work with.
  • Re-design Behavior system.


  • Add a prepare method to Actor which will be called at the end of addTo.
  • Finish rectangle shaped tile collision support.
  • Add simple Tilemap support for both built-in format or Tiled JSON map(some custom properties are required)
  • Add to represent time passed since game started.
  • Add top and bottom properties to Camera object.
  • Add width and height properties to physics.Body, which map to shape.width and shape.height.
  • Add high level Actor, SpriteActor, AnimatedActor and PrimitiveActor classes.
  • Add Behavior base class and some simple behaviors.
  • Emit pause and resume events from core.
  • Add resolution config, and renderer will pick the most suited resolution base on your configs.
  • Add Blender/Flash like keyframe based animation.
  • Add SAT based collision solver.
  • Add SpatialHash based broad phase solution for collision heavy games.
  • Change canvas style during resizing for some resize modes.
  • Use bitwise shift to optimise SpatialHash based collision detection, change Body.collisionAgainst to a 32bit integer number while broadPhase is SpatialHash.
  • Add a new device-patch module to solve device specific issues.
  • Add rotate prompt for mobile devices.
  • Save renderer resolution as engine.resolution.
  • [Changes] PIXI.extras.Animation is now renamed as PIXI.extras.AnimatedSprite.
  • [Changes] Huge improve of Animation system(formerly called Timeline), now the tweening of nested properties is supported.
  • [Changes] Deprecate dom resize mode.
  • [Changes] Deprecate Texture.fromAsset method, use loader.resources instead.
  • [Changes] Pass delta time to update methods in both milliseconds and seconds.
  • [Changes] Upgrade PIXI to master/3.0.11
  • [Changes] Default asset key does not contain baseURL any more.


  • Upgrade PIXI to master/3.0.10
  • [Changes] Accept an object as third parameter of loader.addAsset function


  • Add animation support to boolean and object (instantly changes value at the end of duration, ignore its easing setting).
  • Add animation support to string text (from empty to full content).


  • Add tag support to Object, Timeline and Timer sub-systems, now it is possible to pause/resume any tagged components. For example you can easily pause the timelines tagged object and keep the ui when game is paused.
  • Emit boot and booted events when engine is started.
  • Upgrade Kefir and add a emitter function to create self emittable streams for convenience.
  • Create session and persistent data manager for easier data saving without touching low-level storage and localStorage.
  • Add "skipFrame" setting to constantly skip render frames, which may be used to increase performance but may also sacrifice the accuracy of input.


  • Upgrade PIXI to (dev/9d7a393)
  • Upgrade resource-loader
  • Rename base container of Scene to stage instead of container
  • Fixed update support. FPS now can be lock to a constant value
  • Improved PIXI.extras.Animation updating logic
  • Improved Array element removing process
  • Create utils module with useful functions and constants
  • Better pre-defined sub-system updating order, now collision works pretty well with Timelined bodies
  • New component system. The "Object", "Physics", "Timeline" and "Renderer" are just predefined sub-systems.
  • Timer is also updated at fixed steps now, but act as a engine-level system instead of Scene
  • Fix camera update error when it's not added to any containers


  • Completely module based structure


  • Add camera shake support.
  • Let Scene emit input events just like what PIXI does.


  • Add support for module imports/exports, so you do not need to expose everything to global namespaces (like game).
  • Remove Class system due to performance and capabilities.


  • Update renderer to PIXI.js latest stable version (v3.0.7).


LesserPanda is released under the MIT License, the same as Panda.js engine.

Special Thanks

@ekelokorpi for creating the awesome panda.js-engine @Pixel-boy for the lovely bat(bat.png in media folder)