TJUAV's custom UI ground station
First make sure you have the virutalenv python library, run:
pip3 install virutalenv
Then, to create a virtualenv, run:
python3 -m venv venv/
in the outermost folder (GroundStation/)
For Linux run:
and for Windows run:
Inside the venv: install necessary packages into the venv run: 'pip3 install -r requirements.txt --user'
Import the auvsi interop server, instructions at:
To exit the virtualenv, run:
In the project directory, you can run:
Run the above command in client/.
Installs all of the necessary packages (specified in package-lock.json).
Run the above command in client/.
Installs the package that you specify (and adds it to package-lock.json).
Run the above command in client/. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
You will also see any lint errors in the console.
Open a new terminal and run the above command in server/. Starts the backend. If you make any edits, you will need to end the program and restart the backend.
- Main code
- index.js: Contains the main code for the frontend.
- App.js: Contains the main code for the frontend.
- Tabs
- FlightData.js: Contains the plane's live telemetry data
- FlightPlan.js: Used to plan out waypoint missons.
- Params.js: Contains a list of parameters that the user can edit and upload to the FC.
- Submissions.js: Displays all submissions that were made to the interop server.
- Components
- FlightPlanMap.js: Contains code for the interactive map used in the FlightPlan tab
- FlightPlanToolbar.js: Contains code for the toolbar used in the FlightPlan tab
Generally, check out to a new git branch before beginning to work on a new change. When finished working, push all of these changes to that branch on the repo, then head over to the GitHub and create a new pull request. Describe what changes are made, how they are implemented, or other notes, and add some other TJUAV programmers like @Ganesh, @Jason Klein, or @Srikar Gouru to review it.
If working on the GroundStation frontend, you will want to set #frontend-development as your base branch instead of master until it gets merged.