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Try it out here: Nuxt.js Google Maps Module
npm i nuxt-gmaps
modules: [
['nuxt-gmaps', {
key: '<API-Key>',
//you can use libraries: ['places']
- 2.2.0 - Utilize mounted and destroyed hooks within child components
- 2.1.0 - Add Google Map Polyline
- 2.0.0 - Update dependencies, fix marker bugs, update marker event listeners
- 1.2.4 - Options for GMapInfoWindow
- 1.2.3 - Language prop
- 1.2.2 - Google Map Circle (Documentation:
- key
- libraries
- click
- mouseover
- mouseout
- init
- loaded
- bounds_changed
- center_changed
- click
- dblclick
- drag
- dragend
- dragstart
- heading_changed
- idle
- maptypeid_changed
- mousemove
- mouseout
- mouseover
- projection_changed
- resize
- rightclick
- tilesloaded
- tilt_changed
- zoom_changed
:cluster="{options: {styles: clusterStyle}}"
:center="{lat: locations[0].lat, lng: locations[0].lng}"
:options="{fullscreenControl: false, styles: mapStyle}"
v-for="location in locations"
:position="{lat:, lng: location.lng}"
:options="{icon: location === currentLocation ? pins.selected : pins.notSelected}"
@click="currentLocation = location"
<GMapInfoWindow :options="{maxWidth: 200}">
lat: {{ }},
lng: {{ location.lng }}
<GMapCircle :options="circleOptions"/>
data() {
return {
currentLocation: {},
circleOptions: {
locations: [
lat: 44.933076,
lng: 15.629058
lat: 45.815,
lng: "15.9819"
lat: "45.12",
lng: "16.21"
pins: {
selected: "...",
notSelected: "..."
mapStyle: [...],
clusterStyle: [
url: "",
width: 56,
height: 56,
textColor: "#fff"