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Enable RISC-V RVV1.0 environment support for CI #3

Enable RISC-V RVV1.0 environment support for CI

Enable RISC-V RVV1.0 environment support for CI #3

Workflow file for this run

# Meson's Python module doesn't support crosscompiling,
# and python dependencies may be another potential hurdle.
# There might also be a need to run runtime tests during configure time.
# The recommended practice is to rely on Docker to provide the x86_64 crosscompile toolchain,
# enabling native execution via binfmt.
# In simpler terms, everything except the crosscompile toolchain will be emulated.
name: Linux Qemu tests
on: [push]
shell: bash
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.head_ref || github.run_id }}
cancel-in-progress: true
contents: read
# To enable this workflow on a fork, comment out:
if: github.repository == 'plctlab/numpy'
runs-on: ubuntu-22.04
continue-on-error: true
fail-fast: false
- [
# test_unary_spurious_fpexception is currently skipped
# FIXME(@seiko2plus): Requires confirmation for the following issue:
# The presence of an FP invalid exception caused by sqrt. Unsure if this is a qemu bug or not.
"(test_kind or test_multiarray or test_simd or test_umath or test_ufunc) and not test_unary_spurious_fpexception"
- [
"test_kind or test_multiarray or test_simd or test_umath or test_ufunc",
- [
"ppc64le - baseline(Power9)",
"-Dallow-noblas=true -Dcpu-baseline=vsx3",
"test_kind or test_multiarray or test_simd or test_umath or test_ufunc",
- [
# Skipping TestRationalFunctions.test_gcd_overflow test
# because of a possible qemu bug that appears to be related to int64 overflow in absolute operation.
# TODO(@seiko2plus): Confirm the bug and provide a minimal reproducer, then report it to upstream.
"(test_kind or test_multiarray or test_simd or test_umath or test_ufunc) and not test_gcd_overflow"
- [
"s390x - baseline(Z13)",
"-Dallow-noblas=true -Dcpu-baseline=vx",
"(test_kind or test_multiarray or test_simd or test_umath or test_ufunc) and not test_gcd_overflow"
- [
"test_kind or test_multiarray or test_simd or test_umath or test_ufunc",
"-e QEMU_CPU=rv64,v=true,vext_spec=v1.0"
MESON_OPTIONS: ${{ matrix.BUILD_PROP[3] }}
QEMU_OPTIONS: ${{ matrix.BUILD_PROP[5] }}
TERM: xterm-256color
name: "${{ matrix.BUILD_PROP[0] }}"
- uses: actions/checkout@b4ffde65f46336ab88eb53be808477a3936bae11 # v4.1.1
submodules: recursive
fetch-tags: true
- name: Initialize binfmt_misc for qemu-user-static
run: |
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
- name: Install GCC cross-compilers
run: |
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y ninja-build gcc-${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} g++-${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} gfortran-${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}
- name: Cache docker container
uses: actions/[email protected]
id: container-cache
path: ~/docker_${{ matrix.BUILD_PROP[1] }}
key: container-${{ runner.os }}-${{ matrix.BUILD_PROP[1] }}-${{ matrix.BUILD_PROP[2] }}-${{ hashFiles('requirements/build_requirements.txt') }}
- name: Creates new container
if: steps.container-cache.outputs.cache-hit != 'true'
run: |
docker run --name the_container ${QEMU_OPTIONS} --interactive -v /:/host -v $(pwd):/numpy ${DOCKER_CONTAINER} /bin/bash -c "
apt update &&
apt install -y cmake git python3 python-is-python3 python3-dev python3-pip &&
mkdir -p /lib64 && ln -s /host/lib64/ld-* /lib64/ &&
ln -s /host/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu &&
rm -rf /usr/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} && ln -s /host/usr/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} /usr/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} &&
rm -rf /usr/lib/gcc/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} && ln -s /host/usr/lib/gcc-cross/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} /usr/lib/gcc/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME} &&
rm -f /usr/bin/gcc && ln -s /host/usr/bin/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}-gcc /usr/bin/gcc &&
rm -f /usr/bin/g++ && ln -s /host/usr/bin/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}-g++ /usr/bin/g++ &&
rm -f /usr/bin/gfortran && ln -s /host/usr/bin/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}-gfortran /usr/bin/gfortran &&
rm -f /usr/bin/ar && ln -s /host/usr/bin/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}-ar /usr/bin/ar &&
rm -f /usr/bin/as && ln -s /host/usr/bin/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}-as /usr/bin/as &&
rm -f /usr/bin/ld && ln -s /host/usr/bin/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}-ld /usr/bin/ld &&
rm -f /usr/bin/ld.bfd && ln -s /host/usr/bin/${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}-ld.bfd /usr/bin/ld.bfd &&
rm -f /usr/bin/ninja && ln -s /host/usr/bin/ninja /usr/bin/ninja &&
git config --global --add /numpy &&
python -m pip install -r /numpy/requirements/build_requirements.txt &&
python -m pip install pytest pytest-xdist hypothesis typing_extensions &&
rm -f /usr/local/bin/ninja && mkdir -p /usr/local/bin && ln -s /host/usr/bin/ninja /usr/local/bin/ninja
docker commit the_container the_container
mkdir -p "~/docker_${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}"
docker save -o "~/docker_${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}/the_container.tar" the_container
- name: Load container from cache
if: steps.container-cache.outputs.cache-hit == 'true'
run: docker load -i "~/docker_${TOOLCHAIN_NAME}/the_container.tar"
- name: Meson Build
run: |
docker run --rm -e "TERM=xterm-256color" -v $(pwd):/numpy -v /:/host the_container \
/bin/script -e -q -c "/bin/bash --noprofile --norc -eo pipefail -c '
cd /numpy && spin build --clean -- ${MESON_OPTIONS}
- name: Meson Log
if: always()
run: 'cat build/meson-logs/meson-log.txt'
- name: Run Tests
run: |
docker run --rm -e "TERM=xterm-256color" -v $(pwd):/numpy -v /:/host the_container \
/bin/script -e -q -c "/bin/bash --noprofile --norc -eo pipefail -c '
export F90=/usr/bin/gfortran
cd /numpy && spin test -- -k \"${RUNTIME_TEST_FILTER}\"