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R project to standardise the analysis of the English National Pupil Database

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TRACER is a code base for cleaning and analysing the DfE's National Pupil Database (NPD). It is written entirely in R.

The code base will currently allow you to:

  • import KS4 and KS5 data for 2011-17,
  • import data on Ethnicity (Maj|Min), Pupil Premium, IDACI, Gender, Provider Descriptions, EAL flag, SEN flag,
  • match data between years to complete missing values (e.g. fields missing in KS5 that are present in KS4),
  • produce standard tables to represent uptake of subjects based on any given criteria,
  • automatically anonymise output tables,
  • ouput a range of graphs and maps to represent provision and outcomes based on given criteria.


  1. Pull TRACER from github
  2. follow instructions in /data folder to download
    • ../students NPD student datasets (restricted DfE data). Rename files as follows:
      • KS4: KS4Pupil_YEAR_Census e.g. KS4Pupil_2012_Census.txt
      • KS5: KS5CandInd_YEAR_KS4_KS3_Census e.g. KS5CandInd_2012_KS4_KS3_Census.txt
    • ../results NPD results datasets (restricted DfE data). Rename files as follows:
      • KS4: KS4Results_YEAR e.g. KS4Results_2012.txt
      • KS5: KS5Results_YEAR e.g. KS5Results_2015.txt
    • ../schools Most recent snapshot of Edubase provider list from: allowing you to pull information on school demographics
      • rename the file provided by Edubase to schools.csv
    • ../qualifications discount codes to map to results information. Document available from Download and store as: SUBLEVNO.csv
    • ../postcodes get up to date postcode information "Code-Point® Open" from ordnancesurvey, combine all the letters into one large csv file called postcodes.csv. Instructions on how to do this with command line. (see also)
    • ../maps
      • regional map of England from
      • local education authority map of England from
      • coastal map of England from divagis
    • ../filters results.json and students.json files allow you to specify which fields you wish to pull from the DfE provided datasets. The format is:
     { Keystage :{ 
              Year :{ 
                   "grep string to match DFE field name" : "cleaned field name" e.g.
                   "KS4_URN$" : "URN",
  1. create cleaned versions of the student and results by running the following commands in /code/Main.R
    • First load all the source("...") files, this will provide the commands needed to clean the datasets
    • Second run Main(years, keystages), where years stores the two digit year numbers as a vector, and keystages lists which keystages you want to clean. For example: Main(years = c(12:17), keystages = c("KS4","KS5"))
    • This process will produce three new datasets:
      • Spreads - one row per student, columns give demographic, schools and results data. Inefficient, but easy to use. only covers GCSE and Alevel data
      • Students - clean students only listing information specified by the /filters
      • Results - clean students only listing information specified by the /filters
    • If you have already cleaned the data, you can load the cleaned datasets into RAM by running: initialiseDataFrames(keystage, level, two_digit_year) e.g. initialiseDataFrames("KS4", "GCSE", 17), this would create:
      • Spread_GCSE_17
      • Students_GCSE_17
      • Results_GCSE_17
  2. create any reports in /reports folder (see How to write a report below)
  3. any updates to the code, consider comitting back to github

Preparing your environment

We would recommend that you download and use RStudio for your analysis. It's crossplatform, free and wonderful.

Depending on how you are storing you NPD dataset you might not have a networked machine. If this is the case you need to get the correct packages installed in RStudio before you start your analysis. (Requests from RStudio to talk to the CRAN server might well meet with a blank response!). The packages you need are as listed in the code below. If you run this code on a networked machine it will download win.binary files to your c:/tmp/packages/ folder. Mac users need to set type = "mac.binary" and Linux set type = "source"

# with thanks to:
getPackages <- function(packs){
  packages <- unlist(
    tools::package_dependencies(packs, available.packages(),
                                which=c("Depends", "Imports"), recursive=TRUE)
  packages <- union(packs, packages)

 packages <- getPackages(c("abind","assertthat","bitops","Cairo","caTools","colorspace",
 download.packages(packages, destdir="C:/tmp/packages/", 

Once all the files are downloaded transfer them to your NPD analysis machine and load them from there.

Codes used throughout:


Used to define the qualification level 310 == GCSE (A*-U), 391 == GCSE (9-1), 311 == Double GCSE, 320 == Alevel?


Used to define the subject 2210 == Maths, 2610 == CS, 2650 == ICT

How to write a report


Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0


R project to standardise the analysis of the English National Pupil Database






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