CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation repository is developed by Senthil Palanivelu, Suheyla Cetin Karayumak, Tashrif Billah, Ryan Zurrin, Sylvain Bouix, and Yogesh Rathi, Brigham and Women's Hospital (Harvard Medical School).
- Table of Contents
- Segmenting diffusion MRI brain
- Citation
- Dependencies
- Installation
- Singularity container
- Running the pipeline
- Method
- Troubleshooting
- Issues
- Reference
A challenging problem in neuroscience is to create brain mask of an MRI. The problem becomes more challenging when the MRI is a diffusion MRI (dMRI) since it has less contrast between brain and non-brain regions. Researchers all over the world have to spent many hours drawing dMRI brain masks manually. In order to automate that process, we come up with a convolutional neural network (CNN) based approach for creating dMRI brain mask automatically. The CNN architecture is obtained from Raunak Dey's work. On top of that, we applied a multi-view aggregation step to obtain final brain mask.
The software is capable of both training and predicton. We also provide trained models so it can be used off the shelf. Psychiatry NeuroImaging Laboratory has a large number of dMRI brain masks drawn by research assistants. The models were trained on 1,500 such brain masks. We acchieved an accuracy of 97% in properly segmenting the brain from a dMRI b0 volume.
If you use this software, please cite all of the following:
Palanivelu S, Cetin Karayumak S, Billah T, Zurrin E R, Bouix S, Rathi Y; CNN based diffusion MRI brain segmentation tool,, 2020, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3665739
Cetin-Karayumak, S., Zhang, F., Zurrin, R. et al. Harmonized diffusion MRI data and white matter measures from the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study. Sci Data 11, 249 (2024).
- Python 3
- ANTs
Download Miniconda Python 3 bash installer (32/64-bit based on your environment):
sh -b # -b flag is for license agreement
Activate the conda environment:
source ~/miniconda3/bin/activate # should introduce '(base)' in front of each line
The software is written intelligently to work with or without GPU support.
Old conda environment
We had provided two yml files to facilitate the creation of dmri_seg
conda environment.
- In the initial stage of this program development in 2020, the CPU environment built and worked fine. But it does not work anymore.
- The GPU environment works fine on older GPUs. But in 2023, it did not produce a valid mask on modern GPUs e.g. NVIDIA RTX 4000, A6000, A100.
In 2024, we recommend the below step-by-step instructions to build an environment that successfully generated valid masks on both GPU and CPU devices.
Step-by-step instructions:
conda create -y -n dmri_seg python=3.11 --override-channels
conda activate dmri_seg
pip install 'tensorflow[and-cuda]==2.15.1'
pip install scikit-image gputil git+
Tensorflow installation is inspired by
You need to have a working
in your PATH
You can build ANTs following their GitHub.
Or you can use our pre-built ANTs:
conda install -y pnlbwh::ants
Either way, you need to set the environment variable ANTSPATH
. For the latter method, it is:
To run this program on GPU, you must set LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Your NVIDIA driver should be compatible with CUDA.
System's CUDA
In some servers, a matched CUDA may be available in /usr/local/cuda-*/
directory. You can also use that CUDA instead of ${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/
# add cuda tools to your PATH
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.1/bin:${PATH}
# add cuda libraries to your LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-9.1/lib64:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
Download model architecture, weights and IIT mean b0 template from as follows:
cd CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation
tar -xzvf model_folder.tar.gz
cd model_folder
They will be extracted to CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation/model_folder
To avoid the need for setting LD_LIBRARY_PATH
and providing Python interpreter every time
is run,
we wrote a run script
. If you would like, you can configure it for your environment as:
cd CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation/pipeline
sed -i "s+PREFIX+${CONDA_PREFIX}+g"
Afterward, you can use
instead of
in all the examples shown in this manual.
This software makes use of only one binary from mrtrix, maskfilter
. If you already have mrtrix installed on your
system, you can use it. Moreover, you can follow this instruction to install mrtrix.
However, if you are unable to use/install mrtrix, just set -filter scipy
argument and the software will
use a Python translated version of the above binary.
See Clean up for details.
This software marginally depends on FSL in the sense that you need FSL's slicesdir
to generate snapshots of image-mask for being able to QC it. Hence, we do not recommend
sourcing the entire FSL environment. Instead, you should just put slicesdir
in your PATH:
export PATH=/path/to/fsl-6.0.7/share/fsl/bin:$PATH
In additon, you should set:
export FSLDIR=/path/to/fsl-6.0.7/
The dependencies in environment_cpu.yml have been found to be volatile. So we have archived the dependencies of this software in a Singularity container. After you have downloaded the models, you can download and use the it as follows:
# download the container
cd CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation
# verify that it works
singularity run dmri_seg.sif --help
# use it to generate brain masks
singularity run \
--bind /path/to/data:/data \
--bind model_folder:/home/pnlbwh/CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation/model_folder \
dmri_seg.sif \ -i /data/dwi_list.txt -f /home/pnlbwh/CNN-Diffusion-MRIBrain-Segmentation/model_folder
Please continue reading below to learn more about dwi_list.txt
. Also note that, the container supports only -filter scipy
Prediction refers to creation of masks based on pre-trained model. This is the common use of this software.
pipeline/ -i dwi_list.txt -f model_folder
pipeline/ -i dwi_list.txt -f model_folder -nproc 16
pipeline/ -i b0_list.txt -f model_folder
pipeline/ -i b0_list.txt -f model_folder -qc 1
must contain full paths to diffusion and b0 volumes respectively -
Each created mask is saved in the directory of input volume with name
However, you can train a model on your own data using this software. Data refers to a set of b0 images and their corresponding masks. Training is performed in four steps:
In the training stage, we train a CNN to predict b0 brain mask with reasonable accuracy. For the CNN to learn masking,
we have to provide a set of b0 images and their corresponding masks. So the first step in training would extracting
b0 image given a DWI. You can use your favorite tool, bvalue threshold, and method (first b0 or average over all b0s)
to obtain b0 image. Then, researchers usually draw masks by hand or edit FSL bet
produced masks.
Once you have a set of b0s and their corresponding masks, you can start the next steps.
This software uses IITmean_b0_256.nii.gz
image as the reference that you can download
from . If your b0s and corresponding masks are already in the space of
(ICBM-152/MNI152), you do not need to register again.
src/ -b0 b0_list.txt -mask mask_list.txt -ref model_folder/IITmean_b0_256.nii.gz
The registered images are stored in the directory of given images as {Prefix}-Warped.nii.gz
Whether you register the images or not, create a text file for with their absolute paths:
Make sure to account for registered paths if have have done so.
Then, we normalize b0 image to the range [0,1] with respect to its highest intensity. Same clipping is performed to the mask.
src/ -i b0_list.txt
src/ -i mask_list.txt
Upon preprocessing, b0 data are appended to:
Similarly, mask data are appended to files with -mask.npy
suffix. The above *.npy
files are saved in
the directory of the first b0 image given in b0_list.txt
Now we come to the actual machine learning stage. We want to train our CNN varying principal_axis
over the set {axial,coronal,saggittal}
one at a time.
Copy the src/settings.ini
to a different directory and edit relevant fields:
save_model_dir = "project/model_dir/"
log_dir = "project/log_dir"
data_dir = "project/dir/of/first/case/"
train_data_file = "sagittal-traindata-dwi.npy"
train_label_file = "sagittal-traindata-mask.npy"
principal_axis = "sagittal"
learning_rate = 1e-3
train_batch_size = 4
validation_split = 0.2
num_epochs = 1
shuffle_data = "True"
At the very least, you should edit save_model_dir
, log_dir
, data_dir
, and num_epochs
fields. Now define
environment variable COMPNET_CONFIG
so your own settings.ini
could be found by src/
export COMPNET_CONFIG=/path/to/your/settings.ini
Finally, you can use the same settings.ini
file for training three models corresponding to three
principal axes- sagittal
, coronal
, and axial
. For each of the axes, run:
src/ # for sagittal, num_epochs=9
src/ # for coronal, num_epochs=8
src/ # for axial, num_epochs=8
NOTE The above num_epochs
were found suitable for the models distributed with this software.
will save each epoch *-compnet_final_weight-*.h5
models in save_model_dir
that you defined in settings.ini
You can use this save_model_dir
for prediction. Note that, the final epoch models are used in prediction by default.
If you want to use another epoch models other than the final ones created above, save them in a different directory along with
and IITmean_b0_256.nii.gz
and use that directory as save_model_dir
for prediction. As you probably
realized already, the three models pertinent to three views would not have to be of the same epoch number.
The code is written by Raunak Dey available at
In summary, his proposed architecture is designed in the framework of encoder-decoder networks and have three pathways.
Segmentation Branch - learns what is the brain tissue and to generate a brain mask
Complementary Branch - learns what is outside of the brain and to help the other branch generate brain mask
Reconstruction Branch - It provides direct feedback to the segmentation and complementary branche and expects reasonable predictions from them as input to reconstruct the original input image.
Illustration kindly provided by Raunak Dey
The approach is to train three separate networks for three principal axes ( Sagittal, Coronal and axial ) and to perform multi-view aggregation step that combines segmentations from models trained on 2D slices along three principal axes: coronal, sagittal and axial. The final segmentation is obtained by combining the probability maps from all three segmentation.
See Reference #2 for details of this method.
The aggregated mask can be cleaned up using a maskfilter from mrtrix by -filter mrtrix
In brief, there remain islands of non brain region in the aggregated mask. The above filter applies a series of morphological
operation i.e. erosion and dilation to clean up the mask. If mrtrix installation is a problem for you,
you can use Python translated version of maskfilter provided with this software by -filter scipy
argument. If -filter
is not used, then the aggregated mask is returned.
- If you get any error while building
conda environment, updating conda first and retrying should be helpful:
conda update -y -n base -c defaults conda
See conda/conda#8661 for details.
If you experience any issue with using this software, please open an issue here. We shall get back to you as soon as we can.
Dey, Raunak and Hong, Yi. "CompNet: Complementary segmentation network for brain MRI extraction." International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Roy, Abhijit Guha, et al. "QuickNAT: A fully convolutional network for quick and accurate segmentation of neuroanatomy." NeuroImage 186 (2019): 713-727.
Billah, Tashrif; Bouix, Sylvain; Rathi, Yogesh; Various MRI Conversion Tools,, 2019, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2584003
Zhang S, Arfanakis K. "Evaluation of standardized and study-specific diffusion tensor imaging templates of the adult human brain: Template characteristics, spatial normalization accuracy, and detection of small inter-group FA differences." Neuroimage 2018;172:40-50.