Support for creating a CSOM ClientContext from a PnP Core SDK context [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
Minimal support for TEAMCHANNEL Template #268 [czullu - Christian Zuellig]
PnPSDK Mocking + few more cases isolated #262 [mgwojciech - Marcin Wojciechowski]
Added implementation of SPWebRequestExecutor that utilizes HttpClient #261 [patrikhellgren - Patrik Hellgren]
Upgrade Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal, Microsoft.Graph, Microsoft.Identity.Client and System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt references #367 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
Fix Access Denied error when processing pnp:SiteSettings object #360 [jackpoz - Giacomo Pozzoni]
Fix: Restore List.EnableFolderCreation value after creating folders #358 [jackpoz - Giacomo Pozzoni]
Fix: Only specify LCID when needed during team site creation #354 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
Fix for handling folder default values that are empty in provisioning template #346 [patrikhellgren - Patrik Hellgren]
Fix for valid characters and lower case in site alias #345 . Improves #326 . [patrikhellgren - Patrik Hellgren]
Added HostUrl token for Hubsite url property (fixes #338 ) #343 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
Fix for issue with provisioning default values for root folder #342 [patrikhellgren - Patrik Hellgren]
Fix #275 - for tenantId missing issue #328 /#350 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
Improve alias naming for modern sites. #326 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
LCID validation while creating site collections #325 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
Enhance pnpcoresdk - preseve PnPContext when init with GetClientContext for GetContext #321 [czullu - Christian Zuellig]
Fixed a bug that updateChildren value was ignored in AddContentTypeToList #318 [antonsmislevics - Antons Mislevics]
Fix for token parsing content type names in console and logs #316 [patrikhellgren - Patrik Hellgren]
Fix an issue with possible access of null serverobject in FieldUtilities.FixLookupField #310 [NickSevens - Nick Sevens]
Fixes tokenization of SharePoint Syntex models when being exported [jansenbe - Bert Jansen]
Fixed DeviceLogin in AuthenticationManager for single tenant scenario #308 [PaoloPia - Paolo Pialorsi]
Improved handling of socket exceptions in the ExecuteQueryRetryImplementation #301 [czullu - Christian Zuellig]
Match JsonPropertyName values in ExtractConfiguration with #300 [jackpoz - Giacomo Pozzoni]
Fix tokenize url in new document template #299 [czullu - Christian Zuellig]
Fix list id token issue when title null #298 [czullu - Christian Zuellig]
Fix conversion between PnPCore enum values and PnP.Framework enums #297 [jackpoz - Giacomo Pozzoni]
Fix IEnumerable.Union() result being discarded in ContentByQuerySearchTransformator #296 [jackpoz - Giacomo Pozzoni]
Improve exception messages when acsTokenGenerator is null in AuthenticationManager #295 [jackpoz - Giacomo Pozzoni]
Fix hanging request and big list issue with CreateDocumentSet #290 [YannickRe - Yannick Reekmans]
Fix #271 : Added PDL support for creating sites via PnP PowerShell #278 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
Fix issue if SP Group has description with more then 512 char #270 [czullu - Christian Zuellig]
Fix: Always create private channels with isFavoriteByDefault false #260 [patrikhellgren - Patrik Hellgren]
Fix: Implemented retry logic for getting and creating teams tabs #259 [patrikhellgren - Patrik Hellgren]
Fix to add groups as owners of site collections #258 [gautamdsheth - Gautam Sheth]
Fix url token root site #256 [czullu - Christian Zuellig]
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