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Nock VCR Recorder Build Status

A test framework agnostic vcr implementation that uses nock. Can be used in isolation or test specific libraries can be written around it.


npm install --save-dev nock-vcr-recorder


Use vcr.useCassette and pass in a callback with the test to run. All http requests will be recorded using nock and stored in a cassettes directory for playback on later test runs. It expects the callback to return a promise for asyncronous actions and it returns a promise that resolves when it's finished.

Example using mocha:

var RSVP    = require('rsvp');
var request = RSVP.denodeify(require('request'));
var assert  = require('assert');
var vcr     = require('nock-vcr-recorder');

describe('standard test', function() {
  it('caches request', function() {
    return vcr.useCassette('normal test - works', function() {
      return request('http://localhost:4000/users').then(function() {
        assert(true, 'request works');

// Usage with test specific options
// This test will not record the request to localhost:4000 and it will not use
// any saved fixtures
describe('normal test', function() {
  it('works', function(done) {
    return vcr.useCassette('normal test - works', {
      excludeScope: 'localhost:4000'
      mode: 'all'
    }, function() {
      return request('http://localhost:4000/users').then(function() {
        assert(true, 'request works');

You can also call vcr.nockReset() if you need to programmatically remove all mocks.



  // Don't record any requests to this scope
  // It can be an array or string
  excludeScope: ['localhost', '', ''],

  // Re-record and overwrite your current fixtures
  // Possible values: 'all'
  mode: undefined, 

  // Write recorded fixtures when the test fails. We don't do this by default
  writeOnFailure: false

To overide these you can call vcr.config with an object to override them for ALL tests.

You also are able to pass in test specific options as the second parameter to vcr.useCassette(). See the "Usage" section above for an example.



This library follows Semantic Versioning

Want to help?

Please do! We are always looking to improve this library. If you have any ideas please open an issue or a pull requests and we'll work on getting them in.


Poetic Systems, Inc © 2014


Licensed under the MIT license