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CSS Modules

John Colella edited this page Aug 21, 2019 · 1 revision

Our CSS Module config creates complex, hashed classes like this: animate-module__shake--3Q0r1 which is [name of the component]__[local classname]--[hash:base64:5]'.

When webpack comes across an imported SCSS (import styles from './button.module.scss'), a new class is created name-spaced with the directory from where that file exists and added to the file css output file.

That import styles.. will return a "styles" object of key / value pairs in this format: { "plain classname": "complex hashed classname" }

You can then add classes to your JSX thus: className: styles['classname']

To prevent a bloated final CSS file, DON'T use the @import to import scss files that contain CSS selectors. %placeholders, @mixin, @functions are OK.

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