Release v0.1.0
v0.1.0 (2022-07-20)
Closed issues:
- Rust implementation of demos wrappers #56
- Add a default deploy manifest to the wrapper demos #46
- Demo showing how to query metadata using the client #32
- Demo: TypeScript + React App #43
- Demo: JavaScript + Vanilla Browser App #41
- Demo: JavaScript + Node.JS App #42
- Demo: TypeScript + Node.JS App #40
- Demo: TypeScript + Vanilla Browser App #39
- Demo: JavaScript Plugin #38
- Demo: TypeScript Plugin #37
- Demo: AssemblyScript Wrapper #36
- Demo: Rust Wrapper #35
- Demo: plugin(s) #33
- Demo: application(s) #44
- Demo: wrapper(s) #34
- set up discord integration #26
- Node.JS Polywrap Abort Demo #25
- Demo: Using the HTTP plugin #24
- Unable to
yarn start
when updating to prealpha 44 #18 - hello-world dApp: No Web3API found at URI: w3://ens/api.simplestorage.eth #4
- hello-world dApp: Improve styling (currently using create-react-app template) #3
- Plan Uniswap V2 Web3API Demo #1
Merged pull requests:
- refactor: keep version of all the wrappers 0.1.0 #81 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- feat: add ci for apps #80 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- feat: add ci #77 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- chore(hello-world): vanilla apps fixed #76 (cbrzn)
- updated simple storage dapp for Origin release #75 (krisbitney)
- Subgraph query origin update #74 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- chore(json-rpc): update manifest #73 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- chore: hello world apps updated #70 (cbrzn)
- [DRAFT] updated fetch-metadata app for Origin release #68 (krisbitney)
- updated subgraph query wrappers for Origin #67 (krisbitney)
- updated simple-storage wrappers for Origin release #66 (krisbitney)
- [DRAFT] update hellow world wrapper for origin #65 (krisbitney)
- update json-rpc demo for Polywrap Origin #64 (krisbitney)
- HTTP Query demo: Rust Wasm wrapper #62 (krisbitney)
- HTTP Query demo: AssemblyScript Wasm wrapper #61 (krisbitney)
- feat(subgraph-query): update using latest toolchain #60 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- feat(simple-storage): update demo using latest toolchain #59 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- Update: Hello world wrapper & apps #58 (cbrzn)
- refactor: demos repo project structure #57 (Niraj-Kamdar)
- Feat: Vanilla TS demo #51 (cbrzn)
- Feat: Vanilla JS demo #50 (cbrzn)
- fetch-metadata-demo #49 (krisbitney)
- Feat: Sample plugin updates #48 (cbrzn)
- Node.js Demo: Added README and package versions updated #47 (cbrzn)
- Demos v2 #28 (codentell)
- Polywrap Client Threads #27 (dOrgJelli)
- Custom DateTime Plugin + Wrapper Demo #21 (dOrgJelli)
- Subgraph Query Demo #20 (dOrgJelli)
- Wrapper Metadata Example #19 (dOrgJelli)
- upgrade to 0.0.1-prealpha.44 #17 (rihp)
- Update simplestorage brand to Polywrap and update package to prealpha 30 #15 (kev-ngo)
- Rename web3api folder to wrapper, update sample-plugin to pre-alpha 29 and pass all tests #13 (kev-ngo)
- Hello World Demo: Rebrand to Polywrap and update @web3api/client-js and @web3api/react to pre-alpha 29 #12 (kev-ngo)
- HelloWorld Demo: Update styling, README, favicon, and code refactorings #9 (kev-ngo)
- Completed SimpleStorage Web3API Demo #7 (dOrgJelli)
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