To run the example project clone the repo and run pod install
from the Demo directory first.
- Swift 5
- iOS 10 or higher
POSInfiniteScroll is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod POSInfiniteScroll
Add POSInfiniteScroll to your Cartfile:
github "postolaki/posinfinitescroll"
And then run:
carthage update or carthage update --use-xcframeworks
The Swift Package Manager is a tool for automating the distribution of Swift code and is integrated into the swift
Once you have your Swift package set up, adding POSInfiniteScroll as a dependency is as easy as adding it to the dependencies
value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "")
import POSInfiniteScroll
// setup infinite scroll
tableView.addInfiniteScroll { tableView in
// finish infinite scroll animation
collectionView.addInfiniteScroll { collectionView in
// finish infinite scroll animation
tableView.shouldRemoveInfiniteScrollHandler = { _ in
return condition to remove infinite scroll
func addInfiniteScroll(_ completion: @escaping (UITableView) -> Void)
func addInfiniteScroll(_ completion: @escaping (UICollectionView) -> Void)
func finishInfiniteScroll(_ completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
func removeInfiniteScroll()
var infiniteScrollTriggerOffset: CGFloat
var shouldRemoveInfiniteScrollHandler: () -> Bool
Custom indicator must conform to protocol SpinnerViewProtocol
protocol SpinnerViewProtocol: UIView {
func startAnimating()
func stopAnimating()
var infiniteScrollSpinnerView: SpinnerViewProtocol?
// setup pull to refresh
tableView.addPullToRefresh { tableView in
// finish pull to refresh animation
collectionView.addPullToRefresh { collectionView in
// finish pull to refresh animation
func beginPullToRefresh(_ completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
func addPullToRefresh(_ completion: @escaping (UITableView) -> Void)
func addPullToRefresh(_ completion: @escaping (UICollectionView) -> Void)
func finishPullToRefresh(_ completion: (() -> Void)? = nil)
func removePullToRefresh()
var pullToRefreshTriggerOffset: CGFloat
Custom indicator must conform to protocol PullToRefreshSpinnerViewProtocol
protocol PullToRefreshSpinnerViewProtocol: SpinnerViewProtocol {
var progress: CGFloat { get set }
var isAnimating: Bool { get }
var pullToRefreshSpinnerView: PullToRefreshSpinnerViewProtocol?
POSInfiniteScroll is available under the MIT license.