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What is this project?

This is a simple interpreter based on Antlr tool and developed using Java and Kotlin for the Android platform

What is antlr ?

In computer-based language recognition, ANTLR , or ANother Tool for Language Recognition, is a parser generator that uses LL(*) for parsing. ANTLR is the successor to the Purdue Compiler Construction Tool Set (PCCTS), first developed in 1989, and is under active development. Its maintainer is Professor Terence Parr of the University of San Francisco.

How to wok antlr ?

ANTLR takes as input a grammar that specifies a language and generates as output source code for a recognizer of that language. While Version 3 supported generating code in the programming languages Ada95, ActionScript, C, C#, Java, JavaScript, Objective-C, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Standard ML, the current release at present only targets Java, C#, C++, JavaScript, Python, Swift, and Go. A language is specified using a context-free grammar expressed using Extended Backus–Naur Form (EBNF).

What is antlr output ?

ANTLR can generate lexers, parsers, tree parsers, and combined lexer-parsers. Parsers can automatically generate parse trees or abstract syntax trees, which can be further processed with tree parsers. ANTLR provides a single consistent notation for specifying lexers, parsers, and tree parsers.

What we need to implement ?

We should implement visitor class for traversing syntax tree

This is the Grammar i worked on

grammar Grammar;

program: statements ;

statements: (statement)+ ;

statement: identifier equal expr semicolon                                			
        | 'begin' statements 'end'                              				        
        | 'if' expr 'then' statement                        	  			            
        | 'if' expr 'then' statement 'else' statement          		                	
        | 'while' expr 'do' statement                                          			
        | 'for'  identifier equal number colon number 'do' statement 	                
        | 'loop' identifier colon number 'do' statement	                                
        | 'print' identifier semicolon                                 					
        | 'print' stringliteral ',' identifier semicolon                                
        | 'println' identifier semicolon                                 			    
        | 'put' identifier semicolon                                                    
        | 'array' identifier colon openBracket numcom closeBracket semicolon            
        | 'array.get' identifier opneParan number closeParan semicolon                  
        | 'array.put' identifier opneParan number closeParan semicolon                  
        | 'array.size' identifier semicolon                                             
        | 'map' identifier colon openBracket value closeBracket semicolon               
        | 'map.get' identifier opneParan stringliteral closeParan semicolon             
        | 'map.put' identifier opneParan stringliteral ',' number closeParan semicolon  
        | 'map.size' identifier semicolon                                               

expr: expr binop expr                                            	
		| '!' expr                                                  
		| opneParan expr closeParan                                 
		| identifier                                                
		| number                                                   
		| boolea                                                    
		| complexExp 							 					

complexExp	: div_multi ( plus_minusOP div_multi )* ;
div_multi	: pow  ( div_multiOP pow )* ;
pow 		: fact ( power fact )* ;
fact		: opneParan complexExp closeParan						 
				| identifier										 
				| number											 

openBracket	 : '{';
closeBracket : '}';
opneParan	 : '(';
closeParan	 : ')';
semicolon	 : ';';
equal 		 : '=';
colon 		 : ':';

plus_minusOP : '+' | '-';
div_multiOP  : '/' | '*' | '%' ;
power		 : '^' ;
binop 		 : '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>='  | '==' | '!=' ;
number 		 : ('+' | '-')? DIGITS ('.' DIGITS)? ;
identifier 	 : ALPHABET ('_' | ALPHABET | DIGITS)* ;
numcom       : (number | ',')* ;
value        : ( (stringliteral '=' number) | ',')* ;
stringliteral: ('"'(ALPHABET)*'"');
boolea 		 : 'true' | 'false' ;
DIGITS 		 : [0-9]+ ;
ALPHABET 	 : [a-zA-Z] ;
ALPHABETS	 : [a-zA-Z]+ ;

WS: [ \t\r\n] -> channel(HIDDEN) ;

  1. Array - this rule generate array(list) for us
  2. Array.size identifier - print array size
  3. Array.get (index) - print index element
  4. Array.put (value) - add this value to array
  1. Map - this rule generate Map for us ( key,value data structure)
  2. Map.size identifier - print Map size
  3. Map.get (key) - print value for this input key
  4. Map.put (key,val) - add this element to map


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