Fastest possible example usage:
- mean square displacement
./analisi -i tests/lammps.bin -Q > output_file
- spherical harmonics correlation functions
./analisi -i tests/lammps.bin -Y 4 -F 0.7 3.5 > output_file
- g(r), with time lags too
./analisi -i tests/lammps.bin -g 200 -F 0.7 3.5 > output_file
- green kubo autocorrelation integrals
./analisi -l tests/gk_integral.txt -H -a 'c_flux[1]' 'c_vcm[1][1]' > output_file
many others...
#read trajectory
import numpy as np
pos = np.load( 'tests/data/positions.npy')
vel = np.load( 'tests/data/velocities.npy')
box = np.load( 'tests/data/cells.npy')
types = np.zeros(pos.shape[1], dtype = np.int32)
print('position array shape is {}'.format(pos.shape))
print('first cell matrix is {}'.format(box[0]))
#create trajectory object
import pyanalisi
analisi_traj = pyanalisi.Trajectory(pos, vel, types, box,True, False)
#do the calculation that you want
#other calculations
Heat transport coefficient calculation: correlation functions and gk integral for a multicomponent fluid example
import numpy as np
with open(filepath_tests + '/data/gk_integral.dat', 'r') as flog:
headers = flog.readline().split()
log = np.loadtxt(filepath_tests + '/data/gk_integral.dat', skiprows=1)
import pyanalisi
traj = pyanalisi.ReadLog(log, headers)
gk = pyanalisi.GreenKubo(analisi_log,'',
False, 2000, 2,False,0,4,False,1,100)
result = np.array(gk,copy=False)
If you use this program and you like it, spread the word around and give it credits! Implementing stuff that is already implemented can be a waste of time. And why don't you try to implement something that you like inside it? You will get for free MPI parallelization and variance calculation, that are already implemented in a very generic and abstracted way.
- python interface (reads numpy array)
- command line interface (reads binary lammps-like files)
- multithreaded
- command line interface has MPI too (for super-heavy calculations)
- command line calculates variance of every quantity and every function (in python you can do it by yourselves with numpy.var )
- g of r ( and time too!)
- vibrational spectrum (this is nothing special)
- histogram of number of neighbours
- mean square displacement
- green kubo integral of currents
- multicomponent green kubo time domain formula (MPI here can be useful...)
- spherical harmonics number density time correlation analysis (MPI here can be useful...)
- atomic position histogram
- and more ...
- ...
- C++17 capable compiler
- cmake
- linux (mmap) (maybe can be removed if only python interface is needed)
- FFTW3 (included in the package)
- Eigen3 (included in the package)
- Boost (included in the package)
- Mpi (optional)
- libxdrfile (for gromacs file conversion -- optional)
- python (optional)
If you want to use system's fftw3 library, you have to provide to cmake the option:
If you don't want any python interface you have to provide to cmake the option:
mkdir build
cd build
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../
This document is better rendered in the pdf version. Link to the pdf version.
The command line utility is able to read only binary trajectory files in the LAMMPS format, specified with the command line option -i [input_file]
, or a time series in a column formatted text file with a header, specified with the command line option -l [input_file]
. The trajectory file can be generated in many ways:
by LAMMPS :-)
by using the command line utility with the command line options
-i [input_file] -binary-convert [output_file]
, where[input_file]
is the name of a plain text trajectory in the format:[natoms] [xlo] [xhi] [ylo] [yhi] [zlo] [zhi] [id_1] [type_1] [x_1] [y_1] [z_1] [vx_1] [vy_1] [vz_1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [id_natoms] [type_natoms] [x_natoms] [y_natoms] [z_natoms] [vx_natoms] [vy_natoms] [vz_natoms] . . .
That is: for every step you have to provide the number of atoms, low and high coordinates of the orthorombic cell, and then for every atom its id, type id, positions and velocities.
by using the command line utility with the command line options
-i [trr_file] -binary-convert-gromacs [output_file] [typefile]
and a gromacs trajectory (you have to provide the xdr library) -
by using the python interface: see section Buffer protocol interface
You can create a trajectory python object to be used in this library in two ways:
- start from python arrays that some other routine that you have gived to you
- use a LAMMPS binary file that you have on the filesystem. This is the same file that is used by the command line interface.
You must have 4 arrays. In general the interface supports any object that supports python's buffer protocol. This include, among others, numpy arrays. Suppose you have a trajectory of t
timesteps and n
atoms. You need the following arrays:
- position array, of shape
- velocity array, of shape
- cell array, of shape
only diagonal matrices (orthorombic cells) are supported at the moment, or if a lammps formated cell is provided(t,6)
- types array, of shape
In general no particular units of measure are required, and the output will reflect the units that you used in the input. The calculations that the program does are reported exactly in the following sections. From those formulas you can deduce the units of the output given the units that you used in the input.
Then you must decide if you want that the coordinates are rewrapped inside the cell or not. At the moment only orthorombic cells are supported in all calculations but those that need only unwrapped coordinates, like MSD.
The lammps format for the cell is [x_lo, x_hi, y_lo, y_hi, z_lo, z_hi]
: you have to provide only the coordinates boundaries.
The syntax for creating the object is
import pyanalisi
analisi_traj = pyanalisi.Trajectory(positions_array,
where use_matrix_or_lammps_cell_format
is True
if usual matrix format for the cell is given and False
if a lammps formatted cell is provided and wrap_atomic_coordinates
is True
if you want to wrap all the atomic coordinates inside the cell.
You can write a LAMMPS bynary trajectory (that can be used by the command line interface) by calling
analisi_traj.write_lammps_binary('output_path', start_timestep, end_timestep)
where start_timestep
is the first timestep index to dump (indexes start from 0) and end_timestep
is the first timestep that will not be writed. If end_timestep == -1
, it will dump till the end of the trajectory. This is a very convenient way of moving heavy computations on a cluster where MPI can be used, or more in general to convert a generic trajectory format in the format used by the command line tool. For example
#read trajectory. It can come from everywhere
import numpy as np
pos = np.load( 'tests/data/positions.npy') #shape (N_timesteps, N_atoms, 3)
vel = np.load( 'tests/data/velocities.npy') #shape (N_timesteps, N_atoms, 3)
box = np.load( 'tests/data/cells.npy') #shape (N_timesteps, 3, 3)
types = np.load( 'tests/data/types.npy') #shape (N_atoms), dtype=np.int32
#create trajectory object and dump to file
import pyanalisi
analisi_traj = pyanalisi.Trajectory(pos, vel, types, box, True, False)
, 0, # starting timestep
-1 # last timestep:
) # -1 dumps full trajectory
This interface is a little more complicated, since it was designed for computing block averages of very big files. The object is created with
analisi_traj = pyanalisi.Traj('path_of_binary_file')
Then you have to call some more functions, BEFORE calling the compute routines :
analisi_traj.setWrapPbc(True) #optional: if you want to wrap positions inside the cell
then call the relevant compute routine, making sure that it is not going to read past the last timestep of the block. Later you can call again setAccessStart
to compute the quantity in a different region of the trajectory. Only the data of the current block is stored in the memory.
Given a trajectory -mean-square-displacement-self
is provided in the command line or in the python interface the documented argument is set to True
, the atomic mean square displacement for each atomic species is calculated in the reference system of the center of mass of that particular atomic specie. That is, in this case the following is computed:
MSD_t^{typej}&=\frac{1}{N_{typej}}\sum_{i|type(i)=typej}\frac{1}{N_{ave}}\sum_{l=1}^{N_{ave}}\left|(^i{\bf x}{t+l}-^{typej}cm{t+l})-(^i{\bf x}l-^{typej}cm{l})\right|^2 \
MSDcm_t^{typej}&=\frac{1}{N_{ave}}\sum_{l=1}^{N_{ave}}\left|^{typej}cm_{t+l}-^{typej}cm_{l}\right|^2 \
In the output you have many columns, one for each of the -Q
is provided or the documented argument is set to True
in the python interface constructor. The output is the following:
Given a central atom of type
For each
The layout of the command line output is a gnuplot-friendly one, where the output is organized in blocks, one for each
where we collapsed the indexes
The implemented formula for the real spherical harmonics is the following:
Y_{\ell m} =
\displaystyle (-1)^m\sqrt{2} \sqrt{{2\ell+1 \over 4\pi}{(\ell-|m|)!\over (\ell+|m|)!}} \
P_\ell^{|m|}(\cos \theta) \ \sin( |m|\varphi )
&\mbox{if } m<0
\displaystyle \sqrt{{ 2\ell+1 \over 4\pi}} \ P_\ell^m(\cos \theta)
& \mbox{if } m=0
\displaystyle (-1)^m\sqrt{2} \sqrt{{2\ell+1 \over 4\pi}{(\ell-m)!\over (\ell+m)!}} \
P_\ell^m(\cos \theta) \ \cos( m\varphi )
& \mbox{if } m>0 ,.
The program, given a number
Written by Riccardo Bertossa during his lifetime at SISSA