Hi! This repository contains implementations of some mathematical topics, that often uses in "Machine Learning" area. I am writing it for myself just to get better understanding of some topics, that I'm currently learning. All implementations are written in Python.
For now this repository contains the following topics:
- Linear algebra
- Statistics
- Probability theory
- Machine learning
- Scalar product
- Matrix product
- Matrix transpose
- Vector norm
- Minor
- Determinant
- Inverse matrix
- Matrix rank
- Gaussian method
- QR method
- Mean
- Variance
- Standard Deviation
- Standard Error
- Percentile
- Median
- QQ plot
- Covariance
- Correlation
- One sample t-test (independent)
- Two sample t-test (independent)
- Paired t-test (dependent test)
- One-way ANOVA
- Two-way ANOVA
- Chi squared distance between 2 groups
- Chi2 test
- Coin toss simulation distribution
- Simulate distribution with specified degree of freedom
- Intersection probability
- Union probability
- A\B and B\A probabilities
- Factorial
- Permutations
- Accommodations with and without repetitions
- Combinations with and without repetitions
- Sum of squares
- Residuals
- Determination coefficient
- Regression prediction
- Min-Max Scaler
- Standard Scaler
- Linear regression with one feature
- Euclidean metric
- Manhattan metric
- Max-metric
- Anomaly detection using Chauvenet's criterion
- Anomaly detection using Z Score
- Outlier detection using Interquartile Range (IQR)
- K Means Clustering