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Screens and Screen Stacks

Bartłomiej Dach edited this page Aug 7, 2023 · 11 revisions

osu!framework utilizes and implements a Screen concept. Screens let us specify single "views" that can be stacked on with other screens, or exited to reveal screens stacked underneath.

Visually, imagine stacking one sheet of paper on top of another. The forward facing sheet is shown to the user, while other screens remain underneath it ready to be resumed.

Only one screen can be active at a time within a single screen stack. However, multiple different screen stacks may exist to layer screens on top of one another.

Creating a screen stack

Simply add a new instance of a screen stack into your draw hierarchy.

private ScreenStack awesomeScreenStack = null!;

private void load()
    Add(awesomeScreenStack = new ScreenStack());

Creating a new screen

When a screen stack is first initialized, it will be empty. We will need to create a screen before it has anything that can be shown to the user.

Screens can be populated with content by adding Drawables to it, like is the case with any other CompositeDrawable.

public partial class AwesomeScreen : Screen
    public AwesomeScreen()
        AddInternal(new Box
            Colour = Color4.Tomato,
            Origin = Anchor.Centre,
            Anchor = Anchor.Centre

If this screen is the first screen you are pushing to the stack, you should push it to the stack directly using ScreenStack.Push(). If you already have a screen in the stack, you can also push to the screen using Screen.Push().

Handling screen transitions

Screens contain the following methods that are invoked whenever a screen change involving it would occur:

  • OnEntering(ScreenTransitionEvent) - Invoked when the screen is added to the top of the stack using Screen.Push().
  • OnExiting(ScreenExitEvent) - Invoked when the screen is exited for the screen under it using Screen.Exit(). The return value can be used to cancel the exit process, which is useful in flows like showing confirmation dialogs to the user.
  • OnResuming(ScreenTransitionEvent) - Invoked when the screen is made the active screen as a result of the current screen being exited.
  • OnSuspending(ScreenTransitionEvent) - Invoked when another screen is pushed to the top of the stack, replacing this one.


We can take care of inwards screen related transitions inside the screen we're transitioning into using the OnEntering() and OnResuming() methods. The FadeInFromZero() method is great for fading in a new screen, whereas FadeIn() would let us adjust the fade from any alpha the screen may already be at.

public override void OnEntering(ScreenTransitionEvent e)
    this.FadeInFromZero(500, Easing.OutQuint);

public override void OnSuspending(ScreenTransitionEvent e)
    this.FadeIn(500, Easing.OutQuint);
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