A training on how to create your own website using Volto is available as part of the Plone training at https://training.plone.org/5/volto/index.html.
$ yarn
$ cd api
$ ./bootstrap.sh
$ cd api
$ ./bin/instance fg
$ docker-compose -f api/docker-compose.yml up
$ yarn start
Go to http://localhost:3000 in your browser.
$ yarn test
$ make test-acceptance
Alternatively individual acceptances test case files can be run with a pure Robot Framework virtual environment, assuming that backend and frontend is running
$ docker-compose -f api/docker-compose.yml up
$ yarn && yarn build && RAZZLE_API_PATH=http://localhost:55001/plone yarn start:prod
$ virtualenv robotenv --no-site-packages
$ robotenv/bin/pip install robotframework robotframework-seleniumlibrary robotframework-webpack
$ robotenv/bin/pybot tests/test_login.robot
Another alternative for developing Robot Framework acceptane tests is to use Jupyter notebook
$ make -C api/jupyter
Please refer this link for all usages.
Run Prettier through the CLI with this script. Run it without any arguments to see the options.
To format a file in-place, use --write
. You may want to consider committing your code before doing that, just in case.
prettier [opts] [filename ...]
In practice, this may look something like:
prettier --single-quote --trailing-comma es5 --write "{app,__{tests,mocks}__}/**/*.js"
Plugins are automatically loaded if you have them installed in your package.json. Prettier plugin package names must start with @prettier/plugin- or prettier-plugin-
to be registered.
If the plugin is unable to be found automatically, you can load them with:
- The CLI, via the --plugin flag:
prettier --write main.foo --plugin=./foo-plugin
- Or the API, via the plugins field:
parser: "foo",
plugins: ["./foo-plugin"]
You can use Prettier with a pre-commit tool. This can re-format your files that are marked as "staged" via git add
before you commit.
- Lint staged Use Case: Useful for when you need to use other tools on top of Prettier (e.g. ESLint)
Install it along with husky:
yarn add lint-staged husky --dev
and add this config to your package.json
"scripts": {
"precommit": "lint-staged"
"lint-staged": {
"*.{js,json,css,md}": ["prettier --write", "git add"]
- Pretty-quick Use Case: Great for when you want an entire file formatting on your changed/staged files.
yarn add pretty-quick husky --dev
and add this config to your package.json:
"scripts": {
"precommit": "pretty-quick --staged"
More Precommit hooks can be found here
First, start up Guillotina:
docker-compose -f g-api/docker-compose.yml up -d
Then, run the tests:
PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/tests_guillotina env/bin/pybot -v BROWSER:headlesschrome tests_guillotina;
MIT License. Copyrights hold the Plone Foundation. See LICENSE.md for details.