An Object model (almost) for dynamoDb
- Project Name: DynamoDB Data
This project attempts to develop an Object model for AWS DynamoDB database based systems. Entities are developed as POJOs with annotations as shown in the examples below. - GIT URL:
- Java 11
- Maven
- DynamoDB (
Add the following to dependencyManagement
- Add the following config in either application.yaml or
region: us-east-1
aws-access-key: <access_key>
aws-access-key-secret: <secret>
- Create an entity class with the following annotation. All entity classes should have an empty constructor. It can be private.
@DDBTable(name = "ddb-demo-user-info")
@Data //Lombok annotation (Optional)
@AllArgsConstructor //Lombok annotation (Optional)
public class UserInfo {
@SecondaryIndex(name = "division-emailAddress-index", type = KeyType.RANGE_KEY, projectionType = ProjectionType.KEYS_ONLY)
private String emailAddress;
@SecondaryIndex(name = "division-emailAddress-index", type = KeyType.HASH_KEY, projectionType = ProjectionType.KEYS_ONLY)
private String division;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String middleName;
private String password;
- Add a repository class. The repository class needs to implement the BaseRepository interface.
- Querying by Hash Key and Range Key
@DdbRepository(entityClass = UserInfo.class)
public class UserInfoRepository implements NonBlockingBaseRepository<UserInfo> {
public Flux<UserInfo> getByEmailAddress(String emailAddress) {
return findByHashKey("emailAddress", emailAddress);
public Flux<UserInfo> getByDivision(final String division) {
return findByGlobalSecondaryIndex("division-emailAddress-index", division);
- Querying by Hash key and range key
class UserService {
private UserInfoRepository userInfoRepository;
public Mono<UserInfo> findByEmailAddressAndDivision(final String emailAddress, final String division) {
return userInfoRepository.findByPrimaryKey(PrimaryKey.builder()
- Querying by index
class UserService {
private UserInfoRepository userInfoRepository;
public Flux<UserInfo> findByDivision(final String division) {
return userInfoRepository.findByGlobalSecondaryIndex("division-emailAddress-index", division);
- Using Filter Expressions The library also supports using filter expression. Example below:
@Data //Lombok
@DDBTable(name = "${}")
public class SubCategory extends VersionedEntity {
@SecondaryIndex(name = "categoryId-subCategoryId-index", type = KeyType.RANGE_KEY, projectionType = ProjectionType.ALL)
private String id;
@SecondaryIndex(name = "categoryId-subCategoryId-index", type = KeyType.HASH_KEY, projectionType = ProjectionType.ALL)
private String categoryId;
@DbAttribute(nullable = false)
private String name;
@DbAttribute(nullable = false)
private String description;
If we would like to query the above to fetch sub categories which does match a particular criteriaId and whose versions fall between 0 and 4, we can do something like shown below:
public Flux<SubCategory> findSubCategoriesByCategoryId(final String categoryId, final String name) {
return subCategoryRepository.findBySecondaryIndex("categoryId-subCategoryId-index", categoryId,
.name("name", "xyz")
.value("name", AttributeValue.builder().s(name).build())
.name("version", "ver")
.value("lv", AttributeValue.builder().n("-1").build(), "hv", AttributeValue.builder().n("4").build())
The above would be the equivalent of
aws dynamodb query \
--table-name sub-category \
--key-condition-expression "ForumName = :name and Subject = :sub" \
--expression-attribute-values file://values.json