Releases: pressmind/sdk
Releases · pressmind/sdk
V1.2.7 Search Optimizations
Optimized Search and Filter Search Functions
- Housing Options can now be searched by multiple occupancies
- Duration and PriceRange filters now ignore PriceRange Conditions
- Code cleanup
- Minor bug fixes
V1.2.6 Search and Redis-Cache Improvements
Improved Redis Cache Handling, new Parameter for Category-Search-Condition
- Redis Cache Date and Key are now visible as HTTP Headers in Response
- new Parameter $linkedObjectSearch for Catergory-Search-Conditions allows Search for Categories in more than one Objecttype at once
V1.2.5 Search Optimization
Search and Filtersearch optimization
- new search condition HousingOptions
- bugfix for pagination interfering with filter searches
- support for occupancy filters in filter searches
V1.2.4.3 Hotfix Release
- fixed bug in image processor startup
V1.2.4.2 Hotfix Release
- fixed bug in creation of hasOne relations
Bugfix and Maintenance Release (Database Changes!)
Minor Bugfixes and Maintenance
- Changes in database tables / orm objects agency_to_media_object and booking_package be sure to run integrity_check.php
- bugfixes in redis cache and scheduler tasks
- HasOne and ManyToMany relations now will automatically be persisted when creating orm object
Hotfix Release
- Fixed error that in some cases lead to database overload on full import
V1.2.3 Maintenance Release
Maintenance release
- Fixed problem that media object properties 'name', 'code' and 'tags' were not merged into fulltext index
- minor bug fixes
- code cleanup
Feature Release
Improvements in handling of multi-language data, especially in routes
New features:
- Pressmind\ORM\Object\MediaObject::getPrettyUrl($language = null) now has an optional language parameter
- Pressmind\ORM\Object\MediaObject::getPrettyUrls() is a newly added function that will return all routes for all languages for a media object