x6500-miner is a set of code designed for working with the X6500 FPGA Miner boards, which are used for bitcoin mining. Portions of the code are borrowed or inspired by poclbm and phoenix-miner, and some direct contribution has been made by m0mchil.
The main dependencies are python 2.7 and the PyUSB module created by Pablo Bleyer. PyUSB is available as source or an installer for Windows from: http://bleyer.org/pyusb.
For Linux, you will need to build and install my modified version of the PyUSB module. This is available from http://fpgamining.com/software.
There are two python scripts that are needed to mine with an X6500. The first is program.py, which will program the FPGA and prepare it for bitcoin mining. This needs to be run every time power is removed from the board or if you want to load a different bitstream. The second script is mine.py, which handles the communication between the pool and the X6500.
Usage: program.py [-d <devicenum>] [-c <chain>] <path-to-bitstream-file>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Device number, optional. If left out, the first available
device will be opened.
-c CHAIN, --chain=CHAIN
JTAG chain number, can be 0, 1, or 2 for both FPGAs on
the board (default 2)
-v, --verbose Verbose logging
Usage: mine.py [-d <devicenum>] [-c <chain>] -u <pool-url> -w <user:pass>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Device number, optional. If left out, the first available
device will be opened.
-c CHAIN, --chain=CHAIN
JTAG chain number, can be 0, 1, or 2 for both FPGAs on
the board (default 2)
Getwork interval in seconds (default 20)
-v, --verbose Verbose logging
-u URL, --url=URL URL for the pool or bitcoind server, e.g. pool.com:8337
-w WORKER, --worker=WORKER
Worker username and password for the pool, e.g. user:pass