Runs an SSH server, serving gitolite as the git@ user.
On the first start, it will run "gitolite setup" with a starting ssh key you provided, or you can bootstrap with an existing gitolite-admin repository.
On subsequent starts, will run "gitolite setup" everytime to integrate any outside changes.
New installation:
docker run -e SSH_KEY="$(cat ~/.ssh/" prusayn/gitolite-arm
Use an existing gitolite installation:
docker run -v /var/vcroot/git:/home/git/repositories prusayn/gitolite-arm
SSH public key for initial access to the gitolite-admin repository. If you have an existing gitolite-admin repository, you may skip this.
GIT_CONFIG_KEYS LOCAL_CODE (example value: $ENV{HOME}/local)
These will be inserted into gitolite.rc.
Hostnames (only a single one is supported currently) to add to known_hosts, i.e.
/home/git/repositories The actual git repositories will be stored here.
/etc/ssh The SSH host keys are stored here; they are generated when the container starts, and if you don't maintain them across containers, your clients will see warnings that they changed.
If your gitolite install needs to mirror (that is, execute git push itself), the image can help you:
The git user will have a ssh key generated for itself. Access the public key using docker cp CID:/home/git/.ssh/ ..
Note that if you keep recreating the container, rather than restarting, a new key will be generated. You can bind mount the /home/git/.ssh directory to remedy this.
Use the TRUST_HOSTS environment variable to prepare the ./known_hosts file.
If you need to use things like custom hooks, you have different options:
- Point the LOCAL_CODE variable to something like "$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite/local", use the gitolite-admin repo to provide the data.
- You could bind mount files into the container (xxx: how to provide certain files (gitolite.rc) before setup runs?)
- Derive a custom Docker image, ADD the files (xxx: how to provide certain files (gitolite.rc) before setup runs?)
- Manually interact with a container, but lose it disposible nature.