Laravel | Discourse Client |
> 5.8.x | Untested |
5.8.x | 0.0.2 |
Before going through the rest of this documentation, please take some time to read the Discourse API Documentation. Not all of the API calls are documented, but it's a good place to start. Additional help with SSO:
To install through composer, simply put the following in your composer.json
"require": {
"matthew-jensen/laravel-discourse-client": "^0.0.2"
And then run composer install
from the terminal.
Add the following to config/app.php:
* $APP_PATH/config/app.php
'providers' => [
You can optionally publish the config file with:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="MatthewJensen\LaravelDiscourse\DiscourseServiceProvider" --tag="config"
This is the contents of the published config file:
return [
// API token.
'token' => env('DISCOURSE_TOKEN')
// Middleware for the SSO login route to use
'middleware' => ['web', 'auth'],
// The route's URI that acts as the entry point for Discourse to start the SSO process.
// Used by Discourse to route incoming logins.
'route' => 'discourse/sso',
'logout' => 'discourse/sso/logout',
// Secret string used to encrypt/decrypt SSO information,
// be sure that it is 10 chars or longer
'secret' => env('DISCOURSE_SECRET'),
// Disable Discourse from sending welcome message
'suppress_welcome_message' => 'true',
// Where the Discourse forum lives
'url' => env('DISCOURSE_URL'),
// User-specific items
// NOTE: The 'email' & 'external_id' are the only 2 required fields
'user' => [
// Check to see if the user has forum access & should be logged in via SSO
'access' => null,
// Discourse Groups to make sure that the user is part of in a comma-separated string
// NOTE: Groups cannot have spaces in their names & must already exist in Discourse
'add_groups' => null,
// Boolean for making the user a Discourse admin. Leave null to ignore
'admin' => 'discourse_admin',
// Full path to user's avatar image
'avatar_url' => null,
// The avatar is cached, so this triggers an update
'avatar_force_update' => false,
// Content of the user's bio
'bio' => null,
// Verified email address (see "require_activation" if not verified)
'email' => 'email',
// Unique string for the user that will never change
'external_id' => 'id',
// Boolean for making user a Discourse moderator. Leave null to ignore
'moderator' => 'discourse_moderator',
// Full name on Discourse if the user is new or
// if SiteSetting.sso_overrides_name is set
'name' => 'name',
// Discourse Groups to make sure that the user is *NOT* part of in a comma-separated string.
// NOTE: Groups cannot have spaces in their names & must already exist in Discourse
// There is not a way to specify the exact list of groups that a user is in, so
// you may want to send the inverse of the 'add_groups'
'remove_groups' => null,
// If the email has not been verified, set this to true
'require_activation' => false,
// username on Discourse if the user is new or
// if SiteSetting.sso_overrides_username is set
'username' => 'email',
Set the API Token, Forum url and SSO Token in your .env:
Enable SSO Via UI: see: "{DISCOURSE_URL}/admin/site_settings/category/required?filter="
Via console:
cd /var/discourse
./launcher enter app
rails c
irb > SiteSetting.sso_secret = {config('discourse.secret')}
irb > SiteSetting.sso_url = {config('discourse.route')}
irb > SiteSetting.logout_redirect = {config('discourse.logout')}
irb > SiteSetting.enable_sso = true
irb > SiteSetting.enable_local_logins = false
irb > exit
- Artisan command to set sso secret, route and enable sso to install out of the box (could be done via API calls in Facade).
SSO Helper Methods: cviebrock/discourse-php.
SSO Controller Methods: spinen/laravel-discourse-sso.
API Methods: discoursehosting/discourse-api-php.