🚀 Enhancements
- Added MediaFlux IDs decision #506 (@kelynch)
- Project Revision Request form #493 (@JaymeeH @leefaisonr @hectorcorrea @carolyncole)
- Downloads file list to CSV #469 (@hectorcorrea)
- Only eligible Data Managers can be added in the Data Manager role #492 (@leefaisonr)
- Changing the approve status from approve to active #491 (@JaymeeH)
- Create an approve project page to allow a sysadmin to append a mediaflux id to a project #488 (@JaymeeH @jrgriffiniii)
- Upgrade to the same bundler as the servers #487 (@carolyncole)
- Updating mail configs for production #483 (@carolyncole)
- The Data Sponsor field is not editable #485 (@leefaisonr)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Create a test to create a project in local mediaflux #509 (@carolyncole)
- Tigerdata Schema: make description an optional field #507 (@JaymeeH)
- Removing call to project create to make the test pass #499 (@carolyncole)
- Changing the structure of the project to have the namespace and collections be parallel not nested #496 (@carolyncole)
Authors: 6
- @carolyncole
- Hector Correa (@hectorcorrea)
- James R. Griffin III (@jrgriffiniii)
- Jaymee Hyppolite (@JaymeeH)
- Kate Lynch (@kelynch)
- Robert-Anthony Lee-Faison (@leefaisonr)