🚀 Features
- Run mediaflux in Circle CI on a Machine executor #577 (@bess @carolyncole)
- Updating Mediaflux Timezone Documentation #566 (@JaymeeH)
- Tigerdata Schema Documentation #556 (@JaymeeH)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- Do not install ddtrace in test environment (security improvement) #579 (@bess)
- Sending instructions at the correct level for the field #567 (@carolyncole)
- Extending the exception handling for ProjectsController provides more verbose notifications for Honeybadger #559 (@jrgriffiniii)
- Store the User.uid in the session instead of the User.id #560 (@hectorcorrea)
Authors: 5
- @carolyncole
- Bess Sadler (@bess)
- Hector Correa (@hectorcorrea)
- James R. Griffin III (@jrgriffiniii)
- Jaymee Hyppolite (@JaymeeH)