🚀 New Features
- Implementing an experimental attempt at integrating Mediaflux status indicator using ActionCable #770 (@jrgriffiniii)
- Refine emulation menu #761 (@JaymeeH @bess)
🐛 Bug Fix
- Restructures the Mediaflux JavaScript source files and implements a Vitest suite. #771 (@jrgriffiniii)
🔩 Dependency Updates
- Updating vite-plugin-rails to release 0.5.0 (this resolves dependency warnings) #775 (@jrgriffiniii)
- Upgrade omniauth CAS to 3.x #778 (@leefaisonr)
- Upgrade ruby to 3.3.0 in circleci #777 (@leefaisonr)
- Upgrading Ruby and the CircleCI to support the RVM CircleCI Orb #758 (@jrgriffiniii @bess)
Authors: 4
- Bess Sadler (@bess)
- James R. Griffin III (@jrgriffiniii)
- Jaymee Hyppolite (@JaymeeH)
- Robert-Anthony Lee-Faison (@leefaisonr)