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The simulation framework that contains the Game, Car and Ball classes
- Accurate physics
- Controllable cars
- Goal checking
- Keyboard control
- Visual game
- Steppable runtime
- Full ROS integration
- Generate random playable gamestates
- AI training integration
- Perception integration
- Other things I'm probably forgetting
This is the gamestate object that handles simulation of physics and handling of inputs.
checkGoal(leftGoal, rightGoal, topGoal, botGoal)
: Checks to see if ball position is in a goal, then calculates new score and resets the field. If ball leaves bounds without entering a goal, reset the field without scoring points.
: Resets field by removing ball and car objects from the field, then calling self.addObjects()
: Adds new ball and car objects to the field according to the contents of self.carStartList
updateObjects(walls, useKeys)
: Updates controls for all objects currently on the field. Also decelerates the ball. Takes in 2 booleans if it should consider walls and if it should use keyboard input
: Internal method to handle ROS messages
: Broadcasts a ROS message containing ball and car positions
run(visualizer, walls, useKeys)
: Main logic function to keep track of gamestate. Takes input from ROS messages. Three inputs: visualizer (renders the game), walls (whether to consider walls or not) and useKeys (whether to take keyboard input or not)
This is the class used to define each car in the simulator.
: Calculates the needed motion of the car class called. Takes user keyboard inputs for controls
: Calculates the needed motion of the car class called. Takes tuples which will be transmitted through ros messages for controls.
: Returns current x and y positions as a 2D vector. Individual components can be called using getPos().x and getPos().y
: Returns the car's current velocity as a 2D Vector. Individual components can be called using getPos().x and getPos().y
: Returns the car's current angle in degrees
This is the class used to define the soccer ball.
: Gradually reduces the velocity of the ball to simulate friction.
: Returns current x and y positions as a 2D vector. Individual components can be called using getPos().x and getPos().y
: Returns the ball's current velocity as a 2D Vector. Individual components can be called using getPos().x and getPos().y
This is the gamestate object that handles simulation of physics and handling of inputs.
: Main logic function to keep track of gamestate. Steps 0.1 seconds with each SPACE key press.
runAStep(self, msg: CarAction)
: The callback function for the subscriber.
: Sets random positions and velocities for the ball and all cars.