Welcome to IP Tracker! 🌐 This dynamic website, crafted with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, utilizes APIs to empower users to trace and analyze IP addresses effortlessly. Gain insights into geographical locations, network providers, and more. Intuitive and responsive, this tool ensures a seamless experience for users curious about the origins of IP addresses. Explore the world of internet connectivity with our IP Tracker – where data meets simplicity. 🚀
Users are able to:
- View the optimal layout for each page depending on their device's screen size
- See hover states for all interactive elements on the page
- Search for any IP addresses or domains and see the key information and location
- Live Site URL:(https://ip-address-ten.vercel.app/)
- Semantic HTML5 markup
- CSS custom properties
- Flex box
- JavaScript
- Linkedin - (https://www.linkedin.com/in/purvi-porwal/)