A simple currency converter web app built with React, Redux, and Redux Thunk that uses an open source currency API for live data.
Download, clone, or fork the repo. Using Terminal or Command Prompt navigate to the currency-converter directory.
- npm update --save to update all dependencies
- npm update --save-dev to update all devDependencies
- npm start to run local server
- npm run dev to build the project in development mode (compiles in dist directory)
- npm run build to build the project in production mode (compiles in dist directory)
- npm test to run Jest tests
- npm test:watch to use Jest to watch
- Node.js (with NPM)
- React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces
- ReactDOM - DOM-specific methods that can be used at the top level
- Redux
- React Redux
- Redux Thunk
- Webpack
- Mini CSS Extract
- Jest
- Additional plugins are shown in the package.json
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see LICENSE file for details
- Add progressive enhancements (score 100 on Lighthouse PWA audit)