*WARNING: NOT intended for public use. Use at your own risk.
- If needed, load your keymap :
## loadkeys no
- Check that we are indeed using EFI :
## ls /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
- Check for internet connection :
## ping archlinux.org
## ip -c a
- Check synced time service
## timedatectl set-ntp true
(check status with## timedatectl status
) - Edit '/etc/pacman.conf' to enable ParallelDownloads = 5
## sed -i 's/^#Para/Para/' /etc/pacman.conf
- Install git
## pacman -Sy git
- Download the git repository and run with:
## git clone https://github.com/putte64/arch-base-uefi.git
## cd arch-base-uefi
## chmod +x *.sh
- run with
## ./InstallArch.sh
Find your drive `## fdisk -l` or `## lsblk`
`## gdisk /dev/XXX`
Make EFI partition 512M ef00
Make SWAP partition 4G 8200
Make root partition 50G 8300
Make home partition "rest minus some space on SSD" 8300
`## mkfs.vfat /dev/XXX1`
`## mkswap /dev/XXX2`
`## swapon /dev/XXX2`
`## mkfs.ext4 /dev/XXX3`
`## mkfs.ext4 /dev/XXX4`
`## mount /dev/XXX3 /mnt`
`## mkdir -p /mnt/{boot/efi,home}`
`## mount /dev/XXX1 /mnt/boot/efi`
`## mount /dev/XXX4 /mnt/home`
*NOTE: Live media uses reflector to sort mirrorlist, pacstrap copies that list to install*
- Install the base packages into /mnt
## pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux-lts linux-firmware sof-firmware git nano intel-ucode
- Generate the FSTAB file with:
## genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab
- Chroot in with:
## arch-chroot /mnt
- Download the git repository and run with:
## git clone https://github.com/putte64/arch-base-uefi
## cd arch-base-uefi
## chmod +x *.sh
## run with ./InstallArch.sh