The goal of this module is to provide a sitemap.xml of a full site using a XML view of all the visible content (not only the jnt:page)
Typically, when the module is enabled on the acme site, calling this URL will provide a full xml sitemap https://host.domain/cms/render/live/en/sites/acme/home.full-sitemap.xml
In production, the idea is to generate a static sitemap.xml using linux cron. Here is an example:
0 4 * * * /usr/bin/wget https://host.domain/cms/render/live/en/sites/acme/home.full-sitemap.xml -O /var/www/vhosts/host.domain/html/sitemap.xml
Then the sitemap.xml file will be available as a static if the parent directory is accessible. For people using apache ProxyPass, then you need to set the /var/www/vhosts/host.domain/html into your root folder add such line into your VirtualHost config
ProxyPass /sitemap.xml !
Of course you need ajust the URL, the path and the host name, and you can also set the language for i18n sites.
This module can work with and will use the changefreq and priority properties if set.