imreg, short for image registration, is a python package for image registration built ontop of scipy and numpy.
It is currently maintained by Nathan Faggian, Riaan Van Den Dool and Stefan Van Der Walt.
- Forked from :
The required dependencies to build the software are python >= 2.5, setuptools, NumPy >= 1.5, SciPy >= 0.9 and a working C++ compiler.
To run the tests you will also need py.test >= 2.0.
This packages uses distutils, which is the default way of installing python modules. To install in your home directory, use:
python install --home
To install for all users on Unix/Linux:
python build sudo python install
Basic rules for commits to the imreg repository:
- master is our stable "release" branch.
- feature branches (or contributor pull requests) for each ticket on github are merged (into master) after review only.
- tests for new features using py.test must exist before merges.
You can check the latest sources with the command:
git clone git://
Follow: Fork + Pull Model:
Follow: Shared Repository Model
Tracking an already formed branch:
git checkout -b localBranch origin/remoteBranch
Forming a new branch and pushing to origin:
git checkout -b localFeature git push origin localFeature