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gouarin committed Apr 25, 2018
1 parent e244335 commit b9a7587
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Showing 6 changed files with 379 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added 3D/advection/advection3d.mp4
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207 changes: 207 additions & 0 deletions 3D/karman/
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@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
test: True
import pylbm
from six.moves import range
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import sys

X, Y, Z, LA = sp.symbols('X, Y, Z, LA')
rho, qx, qy, qz = sp.symbols('rho, qx, qy, qz', real=True)

def feq(v, u):
cs2 = sp.Rational(1, 3)
x, y, z = sp.symbols('x, y, z')
vsymb = sp.Matrix([x, y, z])
w = sp.Matrix([sp.Rational(1,3)] + [sp.Rational(1, 18)]*6 + [sp.Rational(1, 36)]*12)
f = rho + +**2/(2*cs2**2) - u.norm()**2/(2*cs2)
return sp.Matrix([w[iv]*f.subs([(x, vv[0]), (y, vv[1]), (z, vv[2])]) for iv, vv in enumerate(v)])

def bc_rect(f, m, x, y, z, rhoo, uo):
m[rho] = 0.
m[qx] = rhoo*uo
m[qy] = 0.
m[qz] = 0.

def plot_vorticity(sol, bornes = False):
#### vorticity
ux = sol.m[qx][:,:,3]
uy = sol.m[qy][:,:,3]
vort = np.abs(ux[1:-1, 2:] - ux[1:-1, :-2]
- uy[2:, 1:-1] + uy[:-2, 1:-1])
if bornes:
return vort.T, 0.0, 0.1, 1
return vort.T

def save(sol, im):
x, y, z = sol.domain.x, sol.domain.y, sol.domain.z
h5 = pylbm.H5File(sol.mpi_topo, 'karman', './karman', im)
h5.set_grid(x, y, z)
h5.add_scalar('rho', sol.m[rho])
qx_n, qy_n, qz_n = sol.m[qx], sol.m[qy], sol.m[qz]
h5.add_vector('velocity', [qx_n, qy_n, qz_n])

def printProgress (iteration, total, prefix = '', suffix = '', decimals = 1, barLength = 100):
Call in a loop to create terminal progress bar
iteration - Required : current iteration (Int)
total - Required : total iterations (Int)
prefix - Optional : prefix string (Str)
suffix - Optional : suffix string (Str)
decimals - Optional : positive number of decimals in percent complete (Int)
barLength - Optional : character length of bar (Int)
formatStr = '{0:.' + str(decimals) + 'f}'
percents = formatStr.format(100 * (iteration / float(total)))
filledLength = int(round(barLength * iteration / float(total)))
bar = '-' * filledLength + ' ' * (barLength - filledLength)
print('\r{0:s} |{1:s}| {2:s}% {3:s}'.format(prefix, bar, percents, suffix), end='', file=sys.stdout, flush=True)
if iteration == total:
print('', end = '\n', file=sys.stdout, flush=True)

def run(dx, Tf, generator="cython", sorder=None, withPlot=True):
dx: double
spatial step
Tf: double
final time
generator: pylbm generator
sorder: list
storage order
withPlot: boolean
if True plot the solution otherwise just compute the solution
la = 1
rhoo = 1.
uo = 0.1
radius = 0.125

Re = 2000
nu = rhoo*uo*2*radius/Re

#tau = .5*(6*nu/la/dx + 1)

s1 = 1.19
s2 = s10 = 1.4
s4 = 1.2
dummy = 3.0/(la*rhoo*dx)
s9 = 1./(nu*dummy +.5)
s13 = 1./(nu*dummy +.5)
s16 = 1.98
#[0, s1, s2, 0, s4, 0, s4, 0, s4, s9, s10, s9, s10, s13, s13, s13, s16, s16, s16]
s = [0]*4 + [s1, s9, s9, s13, s13, s13, s4, s4, s4, s16, s16, s16, s10, s10, s2]
r = X**2+Y**2+Z**2

d_p = {
'geometry': {
'xmin': 0,
'xmax': 2,
'ymin': 0,
'ymax': 1,
'zmin': 0,
'zmax': 1

dico = {
'box':{'x':[0., 2.], 'y':[0., 1.], 'z': [0, 1], 'label':[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]},
'elements':[pylbm.Sphere((.3,.5+2*dx,.5+2*dx), radius, 2)],
'velocities': list(range(19)),
'conserved_moments':[rho, qx, qy, qz],
X, Y, Z,
19*r - 30,
3*X**2 - r,
X*(5*r - 9),
Y*(5*r - 9),
Z*(5*r - 9),
X*(Y**2 - Z**2),
Y*(Z**2 - X**2),
Z*(X**2 - Y**2),
(-2*X**2 + Y**2 + Z**2)*(3*r - 5),
-5*Y**2 + 5*Z**2 +3*X**2*(Y**2 - Z**2) + 3*Y**4 -3*Z**4,
-53*r + 21*r**2 + 24
'relaxation_parameters': s,#[0]*4 + [1./tau]*15,
'feq':(feq, (sp.Matrix([qx, qy, qz]),)),
qx: rhoo*uo,
qy: 0.,
qz: 0.
0:{'method':{0: pylbm.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back}, 'value':(bc_rect, (rhoo, uo))},
1:{'method':{0: pylbm.bc.Neumann_x}},
2:{'method':{0: pylbm.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back}},
'parameters': {LA: la},
'generator': generator,

sol = pylbm.Simulation(dico, sorder=sorder)
dt = 1./4

if withPlot:
#### choice of the plotted field
plot_field = plot_vorticity

#### init viewer
viewer = pylbm.viewer.matplotlibViewer
fig = viewer.Fig()
ax = fig[0]
field, ymin, ymax, decalh = plot_field(sol, bornes = True)
image = ax.image(field, clim=[ymin, ymax], cmap="jet")

def update(iframe):
while sol.t < iframe * dt:
ax.title = "Solution t={0:f}".format(sol.t)

#### run the simulation
fig.animate(update, interval=1)
im = 0
save(sol, im)
while sol.t < Tf:
im += 1
while sol.t < im * dt:
#printProgress(im, int(Tf/dt), prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', barLength = 50)
save(sol, im)

return sol

if __name__ == '__main__':
dx = 1./256
Tf = 100.
run(dx, Tf, withPlot=False)
Binary file added 3D/karman/karman3d.mp4
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added 3D/rayleigh-benard/rayleigh-benard-3d.mp4
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added 3D/rayleigh-benard/rayleigh-benard-3d.ogv
Binary file not shown.
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions 3D/rayleigh-benard/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import division
test: True
from six.moves import range
import numpy as np
import sympy as sp
import mpi4py.MPI as mpi
import pyLBM

X, Y, Z = sp.symbols('X, Y, Z')
rho, qx, qy, qz, T, LA = sp.symbols('rho, qx, qy, qz, T, LA', real=True)

# parameters
dx = 1./128
la = 1
cs = la/np.sqrt(3)

Tu = -0.5
Td = 0.5

Ra = 1e6
Pr = 0.71
g = 9.81
tau = 1./1.8
nu = (2*tau-1)/6*la*dx

diffusivity = nu/Pr
taup = .5+2*diffusivity/la/dx

DeltaT = Td - Tu
xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax = 0., 2., 0., 1., 0., 2.
H = ymax - ymin
beta = Ra*nu*diffusivity/(g*DeltaT*H**3)

sf = [0]*4 + [1./tau]*15
sT = [0] + [1./taup]*5

def init_T(x, y, z):
#ones = np.ones((x.size, y.size, z.size))
#T = ( Tu*ones*(y>=.1)
# + Td*ones*(y<.1)
# + 2*Td*ones*(y>=.1)*np.logical_and(y<.25, ((x-1)**2+(z-1)**2)<.1**2)
# )
#return T
return Td + (Tu-Td)/(ymax-ymin)*(y-ymin) + (Td-Tu) * (0.1*np.random.random_sample((x.shape[0],y.shape[1],z.shape[2]))-0.5)

def bc_up(f, m, x, y, z):
m[qx] = 0.
m[qy] = 0.
m[qz] = 0.
m[T] = Tu

def bc_down(f, m, x, y, z):
m[qx] = 0.
m[qy] = 0.
m[qz] = 0.
m[T] = Td

def save(sol, im):
x, y, z = sol.domain.x, sol.domain.y, sol.domain.z
h5 = pyLBM.H5File(sol.mpi_topo, 'rayleigh-benard', './rayleigh-benard', im)
h5.set_grid(x, y, z)
h5.add_scalar('T', sol.m[T])

def feq_NS(v, u):
cs2 = sp.Rational(1, 3)
x, y, z = sp.symbols('x, y, z')
vsymb = sp.Matrix([x, y, z])
w = sp.Matrix([sp.Rational(1, 3)] + [sp.Rational(1, 18)]*6 + [sp.Rational(1, 36)]*12)
f = rho + +**2/(2*cs2**2) - u.norm()**2/(2*cs2)
return sp.Matrix([w[iv]*f.subs([(x, vv[0]), (y, vv[1]), (z, vv[2])]) for iv, vv in enumerate(v)])

def feq_T(v, u):
c0 = 1#LA
x, y, z = sp.symbols('x, y, z')
vsymb = sp.Matrix([x, y, z])
f = T/6*(1 + 2*
return sp.Matrix([f.subs([(x, vv[0]), (y, vv[1]), (z, vv[2])]) for iv, vv in enumerate(v)])

def run(dx, Tf, generator="cython", sorder=None, withPlot=True):
dx: double
spatial step
Tf: double
final time
generator: pyLBM generator
sorder: list
storage order
withPlot: boolean
if True plot the solution otherwise just compute the solution
r = X**2+Y**2+Z**2

dico = {
'box':{'x':[xmin, xmax], 'y':[ymin, ymax], 'z':[zmin, zmax], 'label':[-1, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1]},
'conserved_moments': [rho, qx, qy, qz],
X, Y, Z,
19*r - 30,
2*X**2 - Y**2 - Z**2,
X*(5*r - 9),
Y*(5*r - 9),
Z*(5*r - 9),
X*(Y**2 - Z**2),
Y*(Z**2 - X**2),
Z*(X**2 - Y**2),
(2*X**2 - Y**2 - Z**2)*(3*r - 5),
(Y**2 - Z**2)*(3*r - 5),
-sp.Rational(53,2)*r + sp.Rational(21,2)*r**2 + 12
'feq':(feq_NS, (sp.Matrix([qx, qy, qz]),)),
'source_terms':{qy: beta*g*T},
'init':{rho: 1., qx: 0., qy: 0., qz: 0.},
'conserved_moments': [T],
'polynomials':[1, X, Y, Z,
X**2 - Y**2,
Y**2 - Z**2,
'feq':(feq_T, (sp.Matrix([qx, qy, qz]),)),
0:{'method':{0: pyLBM.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back, 1: pyLBM.bc.Bouzidi_anti_bounce_back}, 'value':bc_down},
1:{'method':{0: pyLBM.bc.Bouzidi_bounce_back, 1: pyLBM.bc.Bouzidi_anti_bounce_back}, 'value':bc_up},
'generator': "cython",
'parameters': {LA: la},

sol = pyLBM.Simulation(dico)

im = 0
compt = 0
while sol.t < Tf:
compt += 1
if compt == 128:
im += 1
save(sol, im)
compt = 0
return sol

if __name__ == '__main__':
Tf = 400.
run(dx, Tf)

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