A presentation at !!con 2018 - Watch it on YouTube
The script.rb
file is a basic script to illustrate how to find a character within a folder of
font files. This script is intended for learning a discovery, and as such contains no tests or class structure.
- Ruby 2.4.0 or higher
- Bundler to install gems
- Clone this repo locally
- run
bundle install
in the main folder of the repo
- Find the Unicode codepoint for the character for which you would like to find a supporting font. You can use FileFormat.info, a search engine, or use Appendix A below for instructions on how to do it programatically.
- Collect your font files into a folder
- Execute the script like so:
ruby script.rb /your/font/folder/path/ 308D
For a folder containing the font files SourceHansSerif-Bold.otf
, SourceSerifPro-Bold.otf
and SourceCodePro-Regular.otf
$ ruby script.rb /Users/pzula/bangbangcon/Fonts/ 308D
SourceHanSerif-Bold.otf contains 308D!
If you already have the character in your pasteboard, here's a quick way to find the Unicode hex representation of the codepoint using the Ruby REPL, irb.
irb(main):001:0> character = "a"
=> "a"
irb(main):002:0> character_code = character.unpack('U*').first
=> 97
irb(main):003:0> hex_unicode = "U+" << character_code.to_s(16).upcase.rjust(4, '0')
=> "U+0061"
Glyph 0, The Notdef Glyph: The OpenType recommendation
A discussion of "tofu" in the english language
Unicode Fonts for Kindle 2 v0.1 Hack
Graceful degradation for ebook characters
Josh Cheek's Gist on Parsing Fonts in Ruby
Someone built something for this that is more robust in Python