Also known as bandaid-xt
GGC ISO from
Unpack image (ISO then initramfs then squashfs).
has all deployment-specific stuff. Amongst a bunch of precompiled RAID and OOB tools you'll find some .par
(Python ARchive) files.
q3k@anathema ~/Security/Google/ggc/squash/squashfs-root/export/hda3 $ find . -iname *par
And also in /opt
These are self-executing Python scripts. After the stub you'll find a .zip file, this can then be extracted.
and setup.par
will yield bytecode-compiled Python code which can be decompiled using a tool like uncompyle6
Interestingly, csdt.par
is not precompiled, and thus we can find some rare google3 commented artifacts, like csdt/google3/