Releases: qbancoffee/drivewire4
DriveWire4 v4.3.3p for Windows Installer
This release was compiled with OpenJDK 17 using the last working stable source files by Aaron Wolfe.
DriveWire4 uses the SWT library and the RXTX library which are libraries that are specific to an Operating system.
In the previous DriveWire4 package, the library needed for the OS that was running DriveWire4 was loaded at runtime
using a method that was supported up to Java version 8. This is why DriveWire4 would not run with a Version of Java greater than 8.
This slightly modified version of DriveWire4 removes that method of loading the required libraries and instead uses the underlying shell
to tell java where to look for the libraries.
Included in this release is an installer that will install all that is needed to run DriveWire4, no need to install java.
DriveWire4 v4.3.3p for Linux x86_64 includes Java 17
This release was compiled with OpenJDK 17 using the last working stable source files by Aaron Wolfe.
DriveWire4 uses the SWT library and the RXTX library which are libraries that are specific to an Operating system.
In the previous DriveWire4 package, the library needed for the OS that was running DriveWire4 was loaded at runtime
using a method that was supported up to Java version 8. This is why DriveWire4 would not run with a Version of Java greater than 8.
This slightly modified version of DriveWire4 removes that method of loading the required libraries and instead uses the underlying shell
to tell java where to look for the libraries.
Included in this release is a script that should be used to start DriveWire4:
- drivewire4_linux_x86_64
A JRE is included in this release so there is no need to install Java
DriveWire4 v4.3.3p for Linux arm_64 includes Java 17
This release was compiled with OpenJDK 17 using the last working stable source files by Aaron Wolfe.
DriveWire4 uses the SWT library and the RXTX library which are libraries that are specific to an Operating system.
In the previous DriveWire4 package, the library needed for the OS that was running DriveWire4 was loaded at runtime
using a method that was supported up to Java version 8. This is why DriveWire4 would not run with a Version of Java greater than 8.
This slightly modified version of DriveWire4 removes that method of loading the required libraries and instead uses the underlying shell
to tell java where to look for the libraries.
Included in this release is a script that should be used to start DriveWire4:
- drivewire4_linux_arm_64
The main user interface crashes at startup, possibly due to a bug in the SWT library but the lite UI works. Start DriveWire4 with the --liteui option.
./drivewire4_linux_arm_64 --liteui
A JRE is included in this release so there is no need to install Java
DriveWire4 v4.3.3p for Windows 64 bit includes Java 17
This release was compiled with OpenJDK 17 using the last working stable source files by Aaron Wolfe.
DriveWire4 uses the SWT library and the RXTX library which are libraries that are specific to an Operating system.
In the previous DriveWire4 package, the library needed for the OS that was running DriveWire4 was loaded at runtime
using a method that was supported up to Java version 8. This is why DriveWire4 would not run with a Version of Java greater than 8.
This slightly modified version of DriveWire4 removes that method of loading the required libraries and instead uses the underlying shell
to tell java where to look for the libraries.
Included in this release is a script that should be used to start DriveWire4:
- drivewire4_windows_x86_64.bat
A JRE is included in this release so there is no need to install Java
DriveWire4 v4.3.3p compiled for Java 17 or greater
This release was compiled with OpenJDK 17 using the last working stable source files by Aaron Wolfe.
DriveWire4 uses the SWT library and the RXTX library which are libraries that are specific to an Operating system.
In the previous DriveWire4 package, the library needed for the OS that was running DriveWire4 was loaded at runtime
using a method that was supported up to Java version 8. This is why DriveWire4 would not run with a Version of Java greater than 8.
This slightly modified version of DriveWire4 removes that method of loading the required libraries and instead uses the underlying shell
to tell java where to look for the libraries.
Included in this release are four scripts that should be used to start DriveWire4:
- drivewire4_linux_x86_64
- drivewire4_linux_arm_64
- drivewire4_windows_x86_64.bat
- drivewire4_mac_x86_64
In order for DriveWire4 to run, Java 17 or greater must be installed.
DriveWire4 v4.3.3p for MacOSX x86_64 includes Java 17
A release fr the intel Mac.
DriveWire4 decompiled and recompiled with Java 17 for Windows 64bit
Windows 64 bit version.
This version of DriveWire 4 was obtained from de-compiling DWUI4.jar and recompiling with OpenJDK 17.
A Zulu OpenJDK JRE is included in this release along with the RXTX serial libray so there is no need to install Java or the serial library.
To start DriveWire4 double click on DriveWire4_win64.bat
Array index out of bounds errors at startup were fixed in this release.