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adding 1D Fermi-Hubbard model example (with modified wrap-around hopp…
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cmendl committed Jan 28, 2024
1 parent b0e971b commit 1c46ce9
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@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mc
import h5py
import qib
import rqcopt as oc

def compute_circuit_errors(J, u, Llist, t, nlayers):
Compute circuit approximation errors for various system sizes.
expiH = {}
for L in Llist:
# construct Hamiltonian
# using open boundary conditions and manually adding modified wrap-around hopping term
latt = qib.lattice.IntegerLattice((L,), pbc=False)
field = qib.field.Field(qib.field.ParticleType.FERMION, qib.lattice.LayeredLattice(latt, 2))
H = qib.FermiHubbardHamiltonian(field, float(J), float(u), spin=True).as_matrix().todense()
# construct hopping term between first and second site and then shift circularly
adj_single = np.zeros((L, L), dtype=int)
adj_single[0, 1] = 1
adj_single[1, 0] = 1
hop_single = qib.operator.FieldOperatorTerm([qib.operator.IFODesc(field, qib.operator.IFOType.FERMI_CREATE),
qib.operator.IFODesc(field, qib.operator.IFOType.FERMI_ANNIHIL)],
-J * np.kron(np.identity(2), adj_single))
T_wrap = np.asarray(qib.FieldOperator([hop_single]).as_matrix().todense())
# circular shift
T_wrap = oc.permute_operation(T_wrap, list(np.roll(range(L), -1)) + list(np.roll(range(L, 2*L), -1)))
H += T_wrap
# reference time evolution operator
expiH[L] = scipy.linalg.expm(-1j*H*t)

perm_set = {}
for L in Llist:
# site permutations for correct mapping of two-qubit gates
hop_even_sites = None # equivalent to list(range(2*L))
hop_odd_sites = list(np.roll(range(L), 1)) + list(np.roll(range(L, 2*L), 1))
intpot_sites = [j + L*s for j in range(L) for s in range(2)]
perm_set[L] = [hop_even_sites, # even hopping
hop_odd_sites, # odd hopping
intpot_sites] # interaction term

# load optimized unitaries from disk
Vlist = len(nlayers)*[None]
indices = len(nlayers)*[None]
err_opt = len(nlayers)*[None]
for j, n in enumerate(nlayers):
with h5py.File(f"fermi_hubbard1d_dynamics_opt_n{n}.hdf5", "r") as f:
# parameters must agree
assert f.attrs["L"] == Llist[0]
assert f.attrs["J"] == J
assert f.attrs["u"] == u
assert f.attrs["t"] == t
Vlist[j] = f["Vlist"][:]
assert Vlist[j].shape[0] == n
err_opt[j] = f["err_iter"][-1]
assert (n - 1) % 4 == 0
indices[j] = [0] + ((n - 1) // 4)*[1, 2, 1, 0]

# approximation error of optimized circuits for larger system sizes
circ_err = np.zeros((len(Llist), len(nlayers)))
for i, L in enumerate(Llist):
for j in range(len(nlayers)):
perms = [perm_set[L][k] for k in indices[j]]
circ_err[i, j] = np.linalg.norm(oc.brickwall_unitary(Vlist[j], 2*L, perms) - expiH[L], ord=2)

print("error computation consistency check:", np.linalg.norm(err_opt - circ_err[0], np.inf))

return circ_err

def main(recompute=True):

# Hamiltonian parameters
J = 1
u = 4

# various system sizes
Llist = [4, 6]

# time
t = 0.25

# number of circuit layers
nlayers = [5, 9, 13, 21]

if recompute:
circ_err = compute_circuit_errors(J, u, Llist, t, nlayers)
# save errors to disk
with h5py.File("fermi_hubbard1d_dynamics_approx_larger_systems.hdf5", "w") as f:
f.create_dataset("circ_err", data=circ_err)
# store parameters
f.attrs["J"] = float(J)
f.attrs["u"] = float(u)
f.attrs["t"] = float(t)
f.attrs["Llist"] = Llist
f.attrs["nlayers"] = nlayers
# load errors from disk
with h5py.File("fermi_hubbard1d_dynamics_approx_larger_systems.hdf5", "r") as f:
# parameters must agree
assert f.attrs["J"] == J
assert f.attrs["u"] == u
assert f.attrs["t"] == t
assert np.array_equal(f.attrs["Llist"], Llist)
assert np.array_equal(f.attrs["nlayers"], nlayers)
circ_err = f["circ_err"][:]

# define plot colors
clr_base = mc.to_rgb(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'][0])
clrs = len(Llist)*[None]
for i in range(len(Llist)):
s = i / (len(Llist) - 1)
clrs[i] = ((1 - s)*clr_base[0], (1 - s)*clr_base[1], (1 - s)*clr_base[2])

for i, L in enumerate(Llist):
plt.loglog(nlayers, circ_err[i], '.-', color=clrs[i], label=f"L = {L}")
xt = [5, 6, 9, 13, 17]
plt.xticks(xt, [rf"$\mathdefault{{{l}}}$" if l % 2 == 1 else "" for l in xt])
plt.xlabel("number of layers")
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.title(rf"$\mathrm{{approximating }}\ e^{{-i H^{{\mathrm{{FH}}}} t}} \ \mathrm{{for}} \ J = {J}, u = {u}, t = {t}$")

if __name__ == "__main__":
209 changes: 209 additions & 0 deletions examples/fermi_hubbard1d/
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@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
import numpy as np
import scipy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import h5py
import qib
import rqcopt as oc

def construct_kinetic_term(J: float):
Construct the kinetic hopping term of the Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian
on a one-dimensional lattice, based on Jordan-Wigner encoding.
return -J * np.array([
[0., 0., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 1., 0.],
[0., 1., 0., 0.],
[0., 0., 0., 0.]])

def construct_interaction_term(u: float):
Construct the local interaction term of the Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian
on a one-dimensional lattice, based on Jordan-Wigner encoding.
return u * np.diag([0., 0., 0., 1.])

def trotterized_time_evolution(L: int, hloc, perm_set, method: oc.SplittingMethod, dt: float, nsteps: int):
Compute the numeric ODE flow operator of the quantum time evolution
based on the provided splitting method.
Vlist = []
perms = []
for i, c in zip(method.indices, method.coeffs):
V = oc.brickwall_unitary(Vlist, L, perms)
return np.linalg.matrix_power(V, nsteps)

def main():

# side length of lattice (spinful sites)
L = 4

# Hamiltonian parameters
J = 1
u = 4

# construct Hamiltonian
# using open boundary conditions and manually adding modified wrap-around hopping term
latt = qib.lattice.IntegerLattice((L,), pbc=False)
field = qib.field.Field(qib.field.ParticleType.FERMION, qib.lattice.LayeredLattice(latt, 2))
H = qib.FermiHubbardHamiltonian(field, float(J), float(u), spin=True).as_matrix().todense()
# construct hopping term between first and second site and then shift circularly
adj_single = np.zeros((L, L), dtype=int)
adj_single[0, 1] = 1
adj_single[1, 0] = 1
hop_single = qib.operator.FieldOperatorTerm([qib.operator.IFODesc(field, qib.operator.IFOType.FERMI_CREATE),
qib.operator.IFODesc(field, qib.operator.IFOType.FERMI_ANNIHIL)],
-J * np.kron(np.identity(2), adj_single))
T_wrap = np.asarray(qib.FieldOperator([hop_single]).as_matrix().todense())
# circular shift
T_wrap = oc.permute_operation(T_wrap, list(np.roll(range(L), -1)) + list(np.roll(range(L, 2*L), -1)))
H += T_wrap
# visualize spectrum
λ = np.linalg.eigvalsh(H)
plt.plot(λ, '.')
plt.title(f"modified Fermi-Hubbard Hamiltonian for J = {J}, u = {u} on a 1D lattice with {L} sites")

# reference global unitary
t = 0.25
expiH = scipy.linalg.expm(-1j*H*t)

# local Hamiltonian terms
tkin = construct_kinetic_term(J)
vpot = construct_interaction_term(u)
hloc = [tkin, tkin, vpot]
hop_even_sites = list(range(2*L))
hop_odd_sites = list(np.roll(range(L), 1)) + list(np.roll(range(L, 2*L), 1))
intpot_sites = [j + L*s for j in range(L) for s in range(2)]
print("hop_even_sites:", hop_even_sites)
print("hop_odd_sites: ", hop_odd_sites)
print("intpot_sites: ", intpot_sites)
perm_set = [None, # even hopping
hop_odd_sites, # odd hopping
intpot_sites] # interaction term

# real-time evolution via Strang splitting for different time steps
nsteps_stra = np.array([2**i for i in range(4)])
err_stra = np.zeros(len(nsteps_stra))
stra =, 1)
print("stra.coeffs:", stra.coeffs)
for i, nsteps in enumerate(nsteps_stra):
print("nsteps:", nsteps)
dt = t / nsteps
print("dt:", dt)
W = trotterized_time_evolution(2*L, hloc, perm_set, stra, dt, nsteps)
err_stra[i] = np.linalg.norm(W - expiH, ord=2)
print(f"err_stra[{i}]: {err_stra[i]}")
# convergence plot
dt_list = t / nsteps_stra
plt.loglog(dt_list, err_stra, '.-', label="Strang")
plt.loglog(dt_list, 2*np.array(dt_list)**2, '--', label="~Δt^2")
plt.title(f"real-time evolution up to t = {t} using Strang splitting")

# real-time evolution via Suzuki's order-4 splitting for different time steps
nsteps_suz4 = np.array(sorted([2**i for i in range(3)]))
err_suz4 = np.zeros(len(nsteps_suz4))
suz4 =, 2)
for i, nsteps in enumerate(nsteps_suz4):
print("nsteps:", nsteps)
dt = t / nsteps
print("dt:", dt)
W = trotterized_time_evolution(2*L, hloc, perm_set, suz4, dt, nsteps)
err_suz4[i] = np.linalg.norm(W - expiH, ord=2)
print(f"err_suz4[{i}]: {err_suz4[i]}")
# convergence plot
dt_list = t / nsteps_suz4
plt.loglog(dt_list, err_suz4, '.-', label="Suzuki ")
plt.loglog(dt_list, 0.5*np.array(dt_list)**4, '--', label="~Δt^4")
plt.title(f"real-time evolution up to t = {t} using Suzuki's order-4 splitting")

# real-time evolution using Yoshida's minimal order-4 method for different time steps
nsteps_yosh = np.array([2**i for i in range(4)])
err_yosh = np.zeros(len(nsteps_yosh))
yosh = oc.SplittingMethod.yoshida4(3)
for i, nsteps in enumerate(nsteps_yosh):
print("nsteps:", nsteps)
dt = t / nsteps
print("dt:", dt)
W = trotterized_time_evolution(2*L, hloc, perm_set, yosh, dt, nsteps)
err_yosh[i] = np.linalg.norm(W - expiH, ord=2)
print(f"err_yosh[{i}]: {err_yosh[i]}")
# convergence plot
dt_list = t / nsteps_yosh
plt.loglog(dt_list, err_yosh, '.-', label="Yoshida order 4")
plt.loglog(dt_list, 10*np.array(dt_list)**4, '--', label="~Δt^4")
plt.title(f"real-time evolution up to t = {t} using Yoshida's method of order-4")

# real-time evolution using the order-6 method AY 15-6 by Auzinger et al. for different time steps
nsteps_auzi = np.array([2**i for i in range(3)])
err_auzi = np.zeros(len(nsteps_auzi))
# recommended method is m = 5; we use the m = 4 method anyway since it requires two substeps less
auzi = oc.SplittingMethod.auzinger15_6()
for i, nsteps in enumerate(nsteps_auzi):
print("nsteps:", nsteps)
dt = t / nsteps
print("dt:", dt)
W = trotterized_time_evolution(2*L, hloc, perm_set, auzi, dt, nsteps)
err_auzi[i] = np.linalg.norm(W - expiH, ord=2)
print(f"err_auzi[{i}]: {err_auzi[i]}")
# convergence plot
dt_list = t / nsteps_auzi
plt.loglog(dt_list, err_auzi, '.-', label="Auzinger AY 15-6")
plt.loglog(dt_list, 6*np.array(dt_list)**6, '--', label="~Δt^6")
plt.title(f"real-time evolution up to t = {t} using the AY 15-6 method of order 6")

# optimized circuits
err_iter_opt = {}
for nlayers in [5, 9, 13, 21]:
with h5py.File(f"fermi_hubbard1d_dynamics_opt_n{nlayers}.hdf5", "r") as f:
# parameters must agree
assert f.attrs["L"] == L
assert f.attrs["J"] == J
assert f.attrs["u"] == u
assert f.attrs["t"] == t
err_iter_opt[nlayers] = f["err_iter"][:]

# compare in terms of number of layers
plt.loglog([5, 9, 13, 21],
[err_iter_opt[n][-1] for n in [5, 9, 13, 21]], 'o-', linewidth=2, label="opt. circuit")
plt.loglog((stra.num_layers-1)*nsteps_stra + 1, err_stra, '.-', label="Strang")
plt.loglog((suz4.num_layers-1)*nsteps_suz4 + 1, err_suz4, 'v-', label="Suzuki order 4")
plt.loglog((yosh.num_layers-1)*nsteps_yosh + 1, err_yosh, '^-', label="Yoshida order 4")
plt.loglog((auzi.num_layers-1)*nsteps_auzi + 1, err_auzi, 'D-', label="Auzinger AY 15-6")
xt = [3, 5, 7, 9, 13, 25, 49]
plt.xticks(xt, [rf"$\mathdefault{{{l}}}$" for l in xt])
plt.xlabel("number of layers")
plt.legend(loc="upper right")
plt.title(rf"$\mathrm{{approximating }}\ e^{{-i H^{{\mathrm{{FH}}}} t}} \ \mathrm{{on}} \ \mathrm{{1D}} \ \mathrm{{lattice}} \ \mathrm{{with}} \ {L} \ \mathrm{{sites}}, J = {J}, u = {u}, t = {t}$")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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