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Releases: qri-io/2017-frontend


19 Jun 23:58
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This release is packaged with the qri backend v0.8.1

This release contains two major updates. First, we have fixed pagination throughout the app! Not only do our dataset lists paginate correctly, but we have added preliminary pagination to the dataset body. Second, we have added storybook to our app for help with development and design. So far there is a short list of components that you can view on storybook, but we plan on continuing to add components as we work on them. We used storybook to iterate on the new DownloadBar component, which features in the readonly version of the webapp, and it allowed for quicker iteration. We are pumped to continue to use it in the future.

Bug Fixes

  • Button: fix logic in download button! (27594d4)
  • pagination: fixes pagination on datasets, registry datasets, profiles, search results, and history (2633d76)
  • scss: Use valid monospace font name (#494) (f5b2d6c)
  • StructureForm: make json-schema link an ExternalLink (#496) (7ba8a42), closes #495
  • storybook: add custom webpack file to storybook config to load scss (5edae8d)


  • add pagination to the body (33c0412)
  • DatasetButtonGroup: add dummy update button (8fc1d73)
  • DownloadBar: add DownloadBar component (20c8fec)
  • storybook: add isolated Button.js (6d0673d)
  • storybook: add plugin to deal with APP_TARGET (decd87c)


17 Apr 17:25
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As a growing open source project, we are always looking for ways to connect to our community. One way that we have yet to take advantage of (on the webapp side of our project), is using the release notes to be more explicit about our choices and goals. We want you to get two major things out of our release notes:

  1. for you to understand, without having to view the code, what has changed, and
  2. for you to understand our reasons for making those changes.

As you can perhaps tell, many recent discussions have centered around how we can be more welcoming as a project.

Moving towards modern React

We want our codebase to be more accessible to folks who are viewing it for the first time. The first major change we have made to reach this goal is to refactor our components so they look more like vanilla React. We have also allowed a bit of tech debt to pile up and it was preventing us from moving forward; there are many interesting features coming out of the React project that we would like to experiment with, but previously couldn't because our codebase was out of date.

The parts of React we focused on were:

  • upgrading React, Webpack, Babel, and Electron, making any changes to code that we need to allow those upgrades to function
  • refactoring the codebase to look more like plain ol' React by removing inheritance from a Base class that was giving us a couple of neat tricks that we have outgrown. This refactor moves all of our css styling from each component page to our scss folder.
  • fixing a few bugs that are listed in the changelog, the most visible is a height bug that made any component using Monaco Editor unusable.

Except for fixing a few bugs, this version of the webapp has almost no changes to functionality. So, even though it changes thousands of lines of code, we are calling this release a patch.


05 Feb 03:39
@b5 b5
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chore(release): release v0.7.0

Merge pull request #450 from qri-io/release


13 Dec 17:32
@b5 b5
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chore(release): version 0.6.1

Merge pull request #433 from qri-io/release


12 Nov 18:06
@b5 b5
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chore(release): v0.6.0

Merge pull request #412 from qri-io/release


10 Oct 21:11
@b5 b5
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chore(release): release 0.5.2

merge pull request #398


05 Oct 20:39
@b5 b5
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chore(release): release v0.5.1

Merge pull request #396 from qri-io/v051


02 Oct 22:39
@b5 b5
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chore(release): release v0.5.0

Merge pull request #394 from qri-io/release_050


26 Sep 02:27
@b5 b5
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chore(release): release v0.4.0

Merge pull request #386 from qri-io/v0_4_0


14 Sep 19:10
@b5 b5
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fix(search, render): pre release bug fixes

Merge pull request #379 from qri-io/disable_search