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Add a led profile holder for Prusa i3 MK2S
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qtux committed Apr 9, 2018
1 parent 4561ff7 commit 798ad17
Showing 1 changed file with 171 additions and 0 deletions.
171 changes: 171 additions & 0 deletions mk2s_led_profile_holder/mk2s_led_profile_holder.scad
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
* LED profile holder for Prusa i3 MK2S with an attachment designed like the Prusa i3 MK2S spool holder
* Copyright (C) 2017 Matthias Gazzari
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.

// general holder dimension in mm
thickness = 8;
base_w = 20;
overlap_w = 6;

// Prusa i3 MK2S frame dimensions in mm
frame_tolerance = 0.4;
frame_w = 6 + frame_tolerance;
frame_h = 40 + frame_tolerance;

// cable tie dimensions in mm
tie_tolerance_w = 0.7;
tie_tolerance_h = 1;
tie_w = 2.5 + tie_tolerance_w;
tie_h = 1 + tie_tolerance_h;

// base part of the holder
base(frame_w, frame_h, thickness, base_w, overlap_w, tie_w, tie_h);

// arm dimensions in mm
arm_w = 160;
arm_h = 40;
arm_angle = 60;
arm_border = 3;

// aluminium profile dimensions in mm
profile_tolerance = 0.1;
profile_w = 12.2 + profile_tolerance;
profile_h = 7 + profile_tolerance;
profile_num = 4;
profile_spacing = 1;
profile_angle = -29;

// arm part of the holder
arm_w, arm_h, arm_angle, arm_border,
thickness, base_w, overlap_w,
profile_w, profile_h, profile_num, profile_spacing, profile_angle

function cot(x) = tan(90 - x);

module triangle_strut(size, width) {
points=[[0, 0], [size, 0], [0, size]];
difference() {
offset(delta = width) polygon(points);

module profile_holder(num, w, h, spacing, border) {
difference() {
square([num * w + (num - 1) * spacing + 2 * border, h + 2 * border]);
for (i = [0:num - 1]) {
x = border + i * (w + spacing);
translate([x, border]) square([w, h]);

module base(frame_w, frame_h, thickness, base_w, overlap_w, tie_w, tie_h,
size=6, height=10, bottom_overlap_w=2, bracket_len=4)
// outer shape of the base
outer_points = [
[0, 0],
[0 , -bracket_len],
[overlap_w, -bracket_len],
[overlap_w, height],
[0, height],
[-base_w, height],
[-1.1 * base_w, 0],
[-frame_w - 1.5 * size, -frame_h],
[-frame_w - size, -(frame_h + size)],
[bottom_overlap_w, -(frame_h + size)],
[bottom_overlap_w, -frame_h],
[-frame_w, -frame_h],
[-frame_w, 0],
// shape of the cable tie hole
inner_points = [
[0, 2],
[-1.1 * base_w + 1, 2],
[-frame_w - 1.5 * size + 1, -frame_h],
[-frame_w, -frame_h - 2],
[-1, -frame_h - 1],
translate([0, -height, 0]) difference() {
linear_extrude(thickness) polygon(points=outer_points);
translate ([0, 0, (thickness - tie_w) / 2]) linear_extrude(tie_w) difference() {
offset(r = tie_h) polygon(points = inner_points);
polygon(points = inner_points);
translate ([-1.1 * base_w, 1, (8 - tie_w - 2) / 2])
cube(size = [1, tie_h + 2, tie_w + 2]);

module arm(arm_width, arm_height, arm_angle, arm_border, thickness, base_w, overlap_w,
profile_w, profile_h, profile_num, profile_spacing, profile_angle)
// polygon definition
holder_height = (profile_h + 2 * arm_border);
arm_thickness = cos(profile_angle) * holder_height;
arm_offset = abs(sin(profile_angle) * holder_height);
attachment_offset = cot(arm_angle) * arm_height + cot(arm_angle) * arm_thickness;
arm_points = [
[-base_w, 0],
[0, 0],
[overlap_w, 0],
[overlap_w, tan(arm_angle) * overlap_w],
[cot(arm_angle) * arm_height, arm_height],
[arm_width, arm_height],
[arm_width + arm_offset, arm_height + arm_thickness],
[-base_w + attachment_offset, arm_height + arm_thickness],
attachment_part = [[0, 1, 4, 7]];
middle_part = [[4, 7, 6, 5]];

linear_extrude(thickness) {
// hollow arm
difference() {
polygon(points = arm_points);
offset(r = -arm_border) polygon(points = arm_points, paths = attachment_part);
offset(r = -arm_border) polygon(points = arm_points, paths = middle_part);
// attachment part
intersection() {
polygon(points = arm_points, paths = attachment_part);
size = sin(arm_angle) * base_w - 2 * arm_border;
width = arm_border;
steps = size + 2 * width;
for (i = [0:steps:arm_height + arm_border]) {
rotate(arm_angle) translate([i, arm_border]) triangle_strut(size, width);
// middle part
intersection() {
polygon(points = arm_points, paths = middle_part);
size = arm_thickness - 2 * arm_border;
width = arm_border / 2;
steps = size + 2 * width;
for (i = [cot(arm_angle) * arm_height:steps:arm_width]) {
translate([i, arm_height + arm_border]) triangle_strut(size, width);
// profile holder part
translate([arm_width, arm_height]) rotate(profile_angle)
profile_holder(profile_num, profile_w, profile_h, profile_spacing, arm_border);

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