Self-hosted notes solution. Primarily targeting Raspberry PI but should work on any other system.
Breaking change
5th Sept 21:
The application now uses sqlite instead of plain markdown files. If you had like to migrate
your existing notes to sqlite database you can use the command line -migrate
option. All the
markdown files in current directory will be migrated to sqlite database.
We want to make sure that the notes are served within LAN and not on the Internet.
# on raspbian/ubuntu
sudo ufw default deny incoming # disables all incoming connections
sudo ufw allow from # allows connections within local LAN
The setup below is for raspbian. You may have to modify some steps as per your distribution.
Clone the repository to your desktop
git clone
Create a systemd service file as below and move it to
on your Raspberry pi.[Unit] Description=A self hosted notes service [Service] User=pi WorkingDirectory=/home/user/pinotes LimitNOFILE=4096 ExecStart=/home/user/pinotes/pinotes.bin Restart=always RestartSec=10 StartLimitIntervalSec=0 [Install]
Create a deployment script as below. You will have to modify it for your env and Pi version. This is for Raspberry Pi 2 B.
cd build export CGO_ENABLED=1 export CC=arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm GOARM=7 go build mv cmd pinotes.bin scp pinotes.bin user@piaddress:/home/user/pinotes/ ssh user@piaddress <<'ENDSSH' cd ~/user/pinotes sudo systemctl stop pinotes rm pinotes.bin sudo systemctl start pinotes ENDSSH
Create a config file as per your requirement. You can use config.json in this repository.
Verify your setup by visiting http://piaddress:8008/. You will see an empty list of topics
if this is your first time.
- Create a search engine in your browser using url http://piaddress:8008/add?q=%s
- Assign a keyword such as
. You should now be able to add notes like belowpi todo - buy groceries pi readlater -
- All your notes will be saved in 'defaultTopic' defined in config.json
- You can view any topic using http://piaddress:8008/topic/topicname