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/ react-jPlayer Public archive
forked from jplayer/react-jPlayer

Html5 audio and video player library for React


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A Html5 audio/video player that has been inspired by the jQuery plugin jPlayer but without the jQuery dependency.

For playlist functionaility, see react-jPlaylist.




npm install --save react-jplayer


The recommended way to use this package is through npm and webpack. However if you insist on including the .js and .css files manually then both the unminified and minified versions are available from the /dist/ folder. The dependencies of this package have been excluded for the UMD build so you will need to include them manually as shown in the react-jPlayer-example's UMDPlayer.

This module is exported to a variable called ReactJPlayer.


  • Cross compatible with many legacy different Html5 browsers
  • Fully customizable, modular and componentized
  • Supports a large range of Html5 Audio/Video formats
  • Comes with a fully reponsive css skin for your players
  • No jQuery dependency that is in the standard jPlayer
  • Fast and performant

To Note

  • No flash player support because flash is dead. I also haven't been able to find a browser that React supports that also didn't support Html5 video/audio players either which makes flash useless.
  • Dependency on Redux

Supported browsers

  • Chrome v15+
  • FireFox v15+
  • Edge 13+
  • Internet Explorer 9+
  • Opera v16+
  • Yandex
  • Windows Safari 5.1
  • IOS Safari 5.1+
  • Chrome for Android v36+
  • Android browser 4+
  • IEMobile 11¹

¹partially tested without audio/video because browserstack emulators don't support it.


  • Connect your jPlayer to the store using reduxes connect to get access to the jPlayer's state.
  • Audio/Video events can be subscribed to by passing down the Media events to the Audio or Video component, E.g: <audio onPlay={() => console.log("started playing media")} />.


initializeOptions(jPlayerOptions) : Required

Used for setting up the default options for your jPlayer. Deep merges the options that you pass in with react-jPlayer's default options. The result of this is used as the initial state for your jPlayer.

reducer : Required

The jPlayer reducer that will be called whenever a jPlayer function is dispatched. Must be passed to your store with the key named 'jPlayers'.


All of the actions need to be dispatched using Reduxes dispatch function as you normally do with actions.

For example, if you wanted to toggle the showRemainingDuration from somewhere in your application on a jPlayer called 'AudioPlayer':

import React from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux';
import { actions } from 'react-jplayer';

const mapStateToProps = state => ({
  showRemainingDuration: state.jPlayers.AudioPlayer.showRemainingDuration,

const Component = ({ showRemainingDuration, dispatch }) =>
  <div onClick={() => dispatch(actions.setOption('AudioPlayer', 'showRemainingDuration', !showRemainingDuration))}>
    Toggle Duration

export default connect(mapStateToProps)(Component);

setOption(id, key, value)

Sets any jPlayer option.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
  2. key (string): The name of the option that you want to set. Specifying nested keys is not supported.
  3. value (any): The value to set the option to.
setMedia(id, media)

Sets the media.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
  2. media (object): The new media you want to set.

Clear the media and reset all status values. This will be rarely used, if you are setting new media you don't need to use this function beforehand as setMedia already internally clears existing values before setting a new media.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
play(id, [time])

Play the media.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
  2. time (number): The time that the jPlayer should start playing from, defaults to the current time.
pause(id, [time])

Pauses the media.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
  2. time (number): The time that the jPlayer should pause from, defaults to the current time.
setPlayHead(id, percent)

Moves the play-head to the value specified. This only moves the play-head. Whether the media plays from that point depends on its current state, i.e. If it was playing, play continues from the new play-head. If it was paused, the media is cued to the new play-head position.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
  2. percent (number): The percent that the play bar should be moved to.
setVolume(id, volume)

Sets the volume.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
  2. volume (number): Value given should be between 0 - 1. The volume will be capped at either 0 or 1 if the value given is outside this range.
setMute(id, mute)

Mutes or un-mutes.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.
  2. mute (bool)

This method is called internally for each of the other actions if that jPlayer has keyEnabled set to true. You can also manually focus on the jPlayer if it has keyEnabled set to true by calling this method.


  1. id (string): Id of the jPlayer to apply this to.


These properties are used to initialize the jPlayer. They are deep merged with the default jPlayer options.

id (string) : Required

The unique id of the jPlayer.

Default: "metadata"

minPlaybackRate (number)

Default: 0.5

Useful to limit the lower boundary of the playbackRate, e.g. when using a slider for the playbackRate

maxPlaybackRate (number)

Default: 4

Useful to limit the upper boundary of the playbackRate, e.g. when using a slider for the playbackRate

Default: 1.0

Default: 1.0

bufferColour (string)

Default: "#ddd"

The BufferBar component renders a <canvas /> element and uses the fillStyle property to fill in the bar. Therefore the colour property must be set in JS and not css.

Default: 0.8

barDrag (bool)

Default: true

Allows dragging of all of the components which are bars, e.g. VolumeBar, PlaybackRateBar and SeekBar.

guiFadeHoldTime (number)

Default: 2000

The time with which the gui waits until fading out. This only starts when the user moves the mouse over the root jPlayer element, the audio/video is full screen and the media is playing.

media (object)


media: {
    sources: {},
    title: null,
    artist: null,
    poster: null,
    free: false,
    tracks: [],

  sources is where you specify the media to play. The keys must be one of the supported formats. The values must be a valid media url.

  title is the title of the media.

  artist is the artist of the media.

  poster needs to be a valid image element url.

  free specifies that the media is free. This is used internally to hide/show the download. Setting this to false does not mean the media is secure.

  tracks allows for an array of objects that contain the track options to be supplied to the media. This is usually used for adding subtitles to a video.

showRemainingDuration (bool)

Default: false

When true, the duration will count down the time remaining in the media. When false, the duration will stay at fixed at the media's time.

Default: false

Default: false

Default: false

smoothPlayBar (bool)

Default: false

The play bar width changes are animated over 250ms to smooth the change, rather than a step change. This also affects clicks on the play bar, where the bar animates to the new position.

Short duration media benefits the most, since their step changes are the largest.

fullScreen (bool)

Default: false

Sets the jPlayer to fullScreen mode when true. The vast majority of users will not want this to be true by default as this option is usually toggled via the GUI.

This uses the FullScreen API internally. If the FullScreen api is not supported by the browser then everything but the jPlayer will be hidden. jPlayer.css will then handle making the jPlayer width and height 100% of the screen to simulate the native full screen mode as close as possible.

verticalPlaybackRate (bool)

Default: false

Set this to true if your playback rate bar is vertical. Clicks on the playback rate bar will then be calculated properly.

verticalVolume (bool)

Default: false

Set this to true if your volume bar is vertical. Clicks on the volume bar will then be calculated properly.

keyEnabled (bool)

Default: true

Allows key presses to affect the jPlayer. For the keyBindings object to have any affect this will need to be true.

timeFormats (object)

Defines the display format of the currentTime and duration times.


timeFormats: {
  showHour: false,
  showMin: true,
  showSec: true,
  padHour: false,
  padMin: true,
  padSec: true,
  sepHour: ':',
  sepMin: ':',
  sepSec: '',

  showHour displays the hours.

  showMin displays the minutes.

  showSec displays the seconds.

  padHour zero pads the hour if less than 10.

  padMin zero pads the minute if less than 10.

  padSec zero pads the second if less than 10.

  sepHour string between hour and minute.

  sepMin string between minute and second.

  sepSec string after second.


Properties in this object are not meant to be modified and should be treated as read-only. These properties are automatically set and updated by jPlayer depending on the options that you specified.

Default: true

seeking (bool)

Default: false

True when the user is currently seeking. This get set back to false after the user has finished seeking, i.e. in the seeked event.

src (string)

Default: null

This is the current media's src url that you specified in media.sources.

currentTimeText (string)

Default: '0:00'

The current time that is formatted into text using the timeFormats object that is being used for the CurrentTime component.

durationText (string)

Default: null

The duration that is formatted into text using the timeFormats object that is being used for the Duration component.

seekPercent (number)

Default: 0

This represents the percentage of the media which is seekable.

currentPercentRelative (number)

Default: 0

The current time as a percent of seekPercent.

currentPercentAbsolute (number)

Default: 0

The current time as a percent of duration.

Default: 0

Default: 0

bufferedTimeRanges (array)

Default: []

  start (string): the start time, in seconds of where the media is buffering.

  end (string): the end time, in seconds of where the media is buffering.

The start and end of where the buffering has occured. If the user seeks to different parts of the media, then the browser will automatically start downloading from that position and skip the media in between if it hasn't already been downloaded. The properties in this array represent that and are used internally by the BufferBar component.

More information on this can be found in this MDN article.

focused (bool)

Default: false

This property determines which jPlayer should take precendance when the user is using key presses to affect the media and is only ever true if the current jPlayer has keyEnabled set to true. This is set internally for each action that the user takes on the jPlayer, i.e. each time a jPlayer action is called. You can also manually focus on the jPlayer if it has keyEnabled set to true by calling focus().




  1. children (element or array: elements) : Required
  2. id (string) : Required: Must be the same as the one you supplied to the jPlayer options.
  3. className (string): Specifies any custom class to apply to the jPlayer. You'll want to use this to apply any custom skins such as jp-sleek.
  4. keyBindings (object): Specifies the keyBindings to be applied when that key is pressed. Deep merges these props with the jPlayer components default keyBindings.


keyBindings: {
  play: {
    key: 80, // p
    fn: () => (stateProps.paused ? dispatch(play(id)) :
  fullScreen: {
    key: 70, // f
    fn: () => dispatch(setOption(id, 'fullScreen', !stateProps.fullScreen)),
  mute: {
    key: 77, // m
    fn: () => dispatch(setMute(id, !stateProps.muted)),
  volumeUp: {
    key: 190, // .
    fn: () => {
      dispatch(setVolume(id, stateProps.volume + 0.1));
  volumeDown: {
    key: 188, // ,
    fn: () => dispatch(setVolume(id, stateProps.volume - 0.1)),
  loop: {
    key: 76, // l
    fn: () => dispatch(setOption(id, 'loop', !stateProps.loop)),

  key can be a keyCode number representing the key or a key value string. The key value string should be preferred but it's not as supported as keyCode.

  fn is the function that will be executed once the key has been pressed.

The keybindings you specify will be deep merged with the defaults. Key presses for the html elements input, textArea and select when these elements have focus will not trigger the keyBinding function.

This component needs to be at the root of any other jPlayer component. Handles the states that are applied to the jPlayer DOM element.



  1. children (element or array: elements) : Required

Should wrap all of the components that the user interacts with. Handles the fading in and out when in full screen mode.



  1. children (element or array: elements) : Required

Should wrap the PlayBar and BufferBar. Handles the user being able to seek to a new time when the user clicks, drags or touches on the progress bar.


Shows how much of the media has been played so far.


Shows how much of the media has been downloaded so far. This also takes in to consideration the user seeking to multiple points on the media and skipping parts of the media.


The poster to be displayed for the media. Uses media.poster as the src for the image.



  1. [Media Events] (func): Any of the React Media Events that you want to listen to. Passes in the event as a parameter.

If the first media source that you have supplied to media.sources is an video format and it is a valid url that can be played then react-jPlayer will use this component and set the src to what you supplied.



  1. [Media Events] (func): Any of the React Media Events that you want to listen to. Passes in the event as a parameter.

If the first media source that you have supplied to media.sources is an audio format and it is a valid url that can be played then react-jPlayer will use this component and set the src to what you supplied.


Default: media.artist - media.title



  1. children (node) : Required

Handles clicks on this component toggling the full screen of the jPlayer.


props 1.children (node) : Required

Handles clicks on this component toggling the mute of the jPlayer.



  1. children (node) : Required

Handles clicks on this component setting the jPlayer to be paused or playing.



  1. children (node) : Required

Handles clicks on this component toggling the looping of the jPlayer.



  1. children (node)

Default: PlaybackRateBarValue

Handles clicks, dragging or touches on this component setting the playback rate of the media.


This is used by the PlaybackRateBar by default so the majority of applications won't need to use this. Represents the playback rate as the width or height of the component depending on the property verticalPlaybackRate.



  1. children (node)

Default: VolumeBarValue

Handles clicks, dragging or touches on this component setting the volume of the media.


This is used by the VolumeBar by default so the majority of applications won't need to use this. Represents the volume as the width or height of the component depending on the property verticalVolume.



  1. children (node) : Required

Handles clicks on this component downloading the media if the option is true.

Warning: This will not make the media secure, i.e. users can still download the song from the network tab. You will need to secure the media this from the server instead. If the browser doesn't support the download attribute then clicks on this component will open a new tab or window with the source media instead.


Renders the durationText of the jPlayer. Renders nothing if the duration hasn't been set yet (i.e IOS until the user manually plays the media).


Renders the currentTimeText of the jPlayer.



  1. children (node)


  <h4>Browser Unsupported</h4>
  Your browser does not support this media file.
  To play the media you will need to update your browser to a more recent version.

Renders html that tells the user to update their browser if jPlayer doesn't support the specified media file.



All of the contants such as the classes, action names etc are exported for you to use if you want them.

Supported Media Formats

  1. mp3
  2. m4a
  3. m3u8a
  4. m3ua
  5. oga
  6. flac
  7. wav
  8. webma
  9. fla
  10. rtmpa
  11. m4v
  12. m3u8v
  13. ogv
  14. webmv
  15. flv
  16. rtmpv



BrowserStack for giving me access to their testing software for free. Contact them if you have a free open-source project for a free account.


Html5 audio and video player library for React







No packages published


  • JavaScript 95.8%
  • CSS 4.2%