This project is a submission of COSC2789: Assignment 3- Group Project on Classification evaluating Spotify's Popular Songs from 2000-2020
The purpose of this project is evaluate dataset to build approriate models which can be used for deployed API severs. These models are aimed to predict song archived from Spotify in the period of 2000-2020, will be popular or not.
- Lecturer: Vo Ngoc Yen Nhi
- Kaggle Dataset: provided by Yamaç Eren Ay
- Nguyen Quang Linh - s3697110
- Nguyen Thanh Dat - s3697822
- Nguyen Quang Huy - s3697272
- Le Gia Thuan - s3695519
- Inferential Statistics
- Machine Learning
- Data Visualization
- Predictive Modeling
- Python
- Pandas, jupyter notebook, numpy, sklearn
- pickle, dash
- sns, matplotlib
Dash can be installed with (also pandas is required for loading dataset):
pip install dash
Run Terminal CMD or Powershell in Anaconda Navigator:
cd /your_local_file/Dash/your_python_app
To run dashboard type:
Run Terminal CMD or Powershell command:
cd /your_local_file/
- will run on
Using Postman application to test API:
Postman header setting
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
Predict: API will take the test set and output predicted values with the route "/predict"
Evaluate: API will take the test set and output evaluated values with the route "/evaluate"